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Air Pollution

We get the oxygen we need by breathing air - it’s a natural thing. We don’t usually stop to think about what’s in the air. But besides oxygen and other elements like nitrogen, air contains pollutants too. Air pollution is a problem that affects life all over the world.

Many human activities create air pollution. In turn, the pollution causes problems for the health of humans and other life on our planet. To slow down that process, we can learn about what causes poor air quality and how to protect our life on Earth.

At this Web site find interesting facts to help you learn about air quality and air pollution.

Air Quality Facts
American Lung Association

Explore these air pollution topics:

  • What Is Air Pollution?
  • Indoor Air Pollution
  • Outdoor Air Pollution
  • Particulate Matter
  • Ozone 

Did You Know?

Two cities—Fargo, ND and Lincoln, NE - ranked among the cleanest in all three air pollution categories covered in State of the Air. -  American Lung Association

Indoor Air Pollution Outdoor Air Pollution Particulate Matter Ozone

Two cities—Fargo, ND and Lincoln, NE - ranked among the cleanest in all three air pollution categories covered in State of the Air. -  American Lung Association