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Quality Assurance Program

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The NRC observes and comments on the Department of Energy (DOE) quality assurance (QA) program. As a result of NRC's comments on deficiencies in DOE's QA program, the DOE submitted to NRC on January 3, 2002, the "OCRWM Management Improvement Initiatives" (OMII). The NRC reviewed the OMII and informed DOE that the report did not meet NRC's expectations. On April 5, 2002, the DOE submitted a letter to NRC describing actions DOE will take to develop a revised report. On July 19, 2002, the DOE submitted to NRC a revision to the OMII: "Management Improvement Initiatives, Revision 0." On May 29, 2003, DOE submitted a letter to NRC providing details of the actions being taken to ensure that a potential license application meets NRC expectations for completeness, accuracy, and compliance with quality assurance requirements.

On April 5, 2004, DOE submitted a letter to NRC that indicated that DOE has completed the commitments made in the Management Improvement Initiatives. Enclosed with the letter is a memorandum transmitting the reports "Management Improvement Initiative (MII) Independent Review (IR)" dated March 19, 2004, "Yucca Mountain Project (YMP) Annunciator Panel from March Monthly Operating Review," and "OCRWM Management Improvement Initiatives Transition Approach, Rev. 1," dated December 2003.

The NRC staff also observes audits conducted by the Department of Energy's Office of Quality Assurance. The DOE audits assess whether their contractors have satisfactorily implemented the DOE's Office of Civilian Radioactive Waste Management quality assurance program.

The NRC documents its observations of the DOE audit and transmits its observations to the DOE. NRC observation audit reports are available and are listed below.

FY '00, '01, '02, '03, '04, '05, '06 and '07

07-04 Thomas Matula

Observation Audit Report OAR-07-04, of Bechtel SAIC, LLC, on Design Control for Waste Package Transport and Emplacement Vehicle

06/18-28/07 08/23/07
07-03 Jack Parrott

Observation Audit Report OAR 07-03 of Quality Assurance Audit OQA-SNL-07-06 of the Infiltration Model Report

06/04-18/07 08/15/07
07-01 Thomas Matula

Observation Audit Report OAR 07-01 of OCRWM Assessment Activities, Corrective Actions, and Trending Programs

12/11-20/06 01/19/07
06-06 Thomas Matula

Observation Audit Report OAR 06-06 of Bechtel SAIC Company

8/21-9/7/06 10/6/06
06-05 Wilkins Smith

Observation Audit Report OAR 06-05 of OCRWM on Implementation of the Quality Assurance Program

8/7-15/06 10/6/06
06-04-CNWRA Wilkins Smith

Observation of the Fiscal Year 2006 Center for Nuclear Waste Regulatory Analysis Quality Assurance Audit 2006-1

6/26-30/06 7/28/06
06-04 Wilkins Smith

Observation Audit Report OAR-06-04, of U.S. Department of Energy, Office of Civilian Radioactive Waste Management, Audit at Lawrence Livermore National Laboratory

5/1-5/06 6/5/06
06-03 Jack Parrott Observation Audit Report OAR-06-03, Observation Audit of U.S. Dept. of Energy of U.S. Geological Survey 1/9-12/06 2/14/06
06-02 Wilkins Smith

Observation Audit Report OAR-06-01, Observation Audit of U.S. Department of Energy Savannah River National Laboratory

12/5-8/05 2/2/06
06-01 Tom Matula

Observation Audit Report No. OAR-06-02, Observation Audit of Office of Civilian Radioactive Waste Management of Bechtel

12/12-20/05 1/10/06
05-06 Tom Matula Observation of the U.S. department of Energy, Office of Civilian Radioactive Waste Management, Audit of Bechtel SAIC Company, LLC, OCRWMP-OQA-05-11, Project Engineering and Records Management and Document Control 9/12-22/05
05-05 Tom Matula

Observation Audit Report No. OAR-05-05. Observation Audit of Bechtel SAIC Company, Internal Audit BQAP-BSC-05-07 at Lawrence Livermore National Laboratories

8/15-31/05 1/9/06
05-04 Tom Matula Observation Audit Report No. OAR-05-04 CNWRA, “U.S. Nuclear Regulatory Commission Staff Observation of the Fiscal Year 2005 Center for Nuclear Waste Regulatory Analyses Quality Assurance Audit 2005-1 5/9-13/05 6/9/05
05-03 Tom Matula

Observation of U.S. Department of Energy, Office of Quality Assurance Annual Naval Nuclear Propulsion Program Quality Assurance Program Review at Bettis Atomic Power Laboratory

4/27-28/05 6/17/05
05-02 Tom Matula Observation Audit of Bechtel SAIC Company, LLC Quality Assurance Supplier Audit BQA-05-04 of Joseph Oat Corporation 4/26-28/05 6/02/05
05-01 Tim Kobetz

Audit of the Office of Quality Assurance OCRWMP of Bechtel Company, LLC

1/24-28/05 2/28/05
04-02 Ted Carter DOE/EM Audit of the National Spent Nuclear Fuel Program 3/29-4/1/04 4/27/04
04-01 Bob Latta DOE/Bechtel SAIC 10/21-31/03 12/10/03
03-04 Ted Carter

DOE/Bechtel SAIC

9/8-19/03 10/17/03
03-03 Ted Carter BSC 6/2-13/03 7/23/03
03-02 Ted Carter Bechtel SAIC Office of Quality Assurance 3/17-23/03 5/30/03
03-01 Ted Carter LLNL 11/11-20/02 1/24/03
02-10 Dan Rom BSC Design Audit 7/29-8/2/02 9/23/02
02-09 Ted Carter CNWRA Audit 7/23-26/02 9/5/02
02-08 Tom Trbovich GE R&D 6/25-26/02 8/2/02
02-07 Ted Carter BSC 5/6-10/02 6/3/02
02-06 Kamal Naidu LLNL 4/15-19/02 5/15/02
02-05 Wilkins Smith LBNL 3/18-22/02 4/22/02
02-04 Kamal Naidu Senior Flexonics 2/20-21/02 3/22/02
02-03 Larry Campbell DOE EM-5 12/11-14/02 1/10/02
02-02 Ted Carter Metal Samples 11/26-28/01 1/4/01
02-01 Ted Carter Lambda Research 10/31-11/01 11/28/01
01-08 Ted Carter TSPA-SR 8/20-24/01 10/12/01
01-07 Larry Campbell Framatome, ANP, Inc. 6/19-21/01 7/25/01
01-06 Thomas Matula Bechtel SAIC Co., LLC 6/18-20/01 8/6/01
01-05 Larry Campbell DOE's Office of Environmental Management (EM), Office of Safety, Health and Security


6/5-7/01 7/5/01
01-04 Ted Carter EBS-Eng.Barrier System 2/20-23/01 4/30/01
01-03 Bob Latta UZ-Unsaturated Zone 2/5-9/01 3/5/01
01-02 Ted Carter Beta 11/16-17/00 12/21/00
01-01 Ted Carter Argonne National Lab 10/24-27 11/27/00
00-10 Larry Campbell Disruptive Events 8/21-25/00 10/2/00
00-09 Ted Carter ENFE-Evolution of Near Field Environment 6/24-28/00 10/17/00
00-08 Tim Kobetz TSPA-Total Systems Performance Assessment 7/9-19/00 9/22/00
00-07 Bob Latta SZ-Saturated Zone Flow & Transport 6/21-30/00 8/25/00
00-06 Robert Brient EBS-Engineer Barrier Systems 2/7-11/00 3/28/00
00-05 Larry Campbell Waste Form
  • Observation Audit Report
1/31-2/4/00 3/7/00
00-04 Ted Carter UZ-Unsaturated Zone Flow and Transport 1/24-28/00 3/20/00
00-03 Larry Campbell Biosphere 11/15-19/99 2/4/00
00-02 Ken Hooks Waste Package 11/8-12/99 2/4/00
00-01 Ted Carter ISM-Integrated Site Model

10/11-15/99 12/14/99
Page Last Reviewed/Updated Thursday, March 29, 2012