United States Nuclear Regulatory Commission - Protecting People and the Environment
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Source Material Facilities Regulations, Guidance, and Communications

NRC's regulations are found in Chapter I of Title 10, "Energy," of the Code of Federal Regulations ( CFR ). Chapter I is divided into Parts 1 through 199. The following are the principal parts governing the licensing and operation of source material facilities:

  • Part 19 - Notices, instructions, and reports to workers: inspections and investigations
  • Part 20 - Standards for protection against radiation
  • Part 21 - Reporting of defects and noncompliance
  • Part 40 - Domestic licensing of source material (uranium mill tailings or uranium and thorium ore)
  • Rulemaking Dockets


Regulatory guides are issued in 10 divisions and are intended to aid licensees in implementing regulations. The guides most applicable to source material facilities are in

Web (HTML) versions of some regulatory guides are available for viewing or downloading. Those available are highlighted in the index to our Regulatory Guide Document Collection. All active final and draft guides are also available in NRC's Agencywide Documents Access and Management System (ADAMS).

Other guidance documents that may be useful to licensees and other stakeholders are

  • Standard Review Plan for the Review of a Reclamation Plan for Mill Tailings Sites Under Title II of the Uranium Mill Tailings Radiation Control Act of 1978 (NUREG-1620)
  • Standard Format and Content for Emergency Plans for Fuel Cycle and Materials Facilities, Regulatory Guide 3.67

Web (HTML) versions of some guidance documents are available in our NRC Formal Publication Collection. Some are also are available in ADAMS (see our table listing their availability). Also available in this collection on the Web site are guidance and information on many types of materials licenses in Volumes 1-20 of NUREG-1556.


Generic communications are NRC's primary method of sending information to specific classes of licensees. There are several types:

Newsletters are another way of sending information to NRC licensees. The NMSS Licensee Newsletter (NUREG/BR-0117) is published quarterly and contains information about source material storage.

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Page Last Reviewed/Updated Thursday, March 29, 2012