Defense Threat Reduction AgencyDefense Threat Reduction Agency
Supporting the American Warfighter

Photo Supporting the American Warfighter Caption: Austrian first responders fight a simulated chemical spill during an International As part of Exercise Eagle Resolve 2009, an exercise run by U.S. Central Command, DTRA personnel provided planning and execution support, as well as expertise in chemical, biological, radiological, nuclear and high-yield explosive threats, and consequence management activities. (U.S. Central Command photo)

As a combat support agency, one of DTRA’s and SCC-WMD’s primary responsibilities is to support the American warfighter, both at home and abroad. The worldwide presence maintained by the U.S. military poses a significant threat that is attractive to our adversaries. Therefore, DTRA and SCC-WMD provide a wide range of support throughout the Department of Defense (DoD).

Support to Combatant Commands

Among the largest organizations in the DoD supported by DTRA and SCC-WMD are the unified combatant commands (COCOMs). Each has its own areas of responsibility along with their own challenges and requirements. Similarly, DTRA provides support that supports these unique mission needs. For example, when improvised explosive devices (IEDs) threatened coalition forces in Iraq, U.S. Central Command turned to DTRA’s rapid Research and Development capabilities. Using some off-the-shelf components, improving on existing technologies, and creating others from the ground up, DTRA developed, integrated and fielded solutions for IED identification and defeat capabilities in a very short time.

DTRA also supports homeland security missions working within the framework of DoD guidelines, Federal law, and oversight from the Assistant Secretary of Defense for Homeland Defense. We support U.S. Northern Command and U.S. Pacific Command in this area, interacting with Federal, state and local organizations, especially in training, exercises and consequence management. Our Consequence Management Assistant Teams (CMAT) assist DoD and Federal agencies in all phases of WMD events. We also provide direct support to National Guard WMD Civil Support Teams, especially in WMD and hazard effects modeling and prediction.

Each COCOM is linked to DTRA through a cadre of Liaison Officers stationed at the headquarters of each command as well as through DTRA’s Operation Center, which is staffed 24 hours a day, seven days a week.

Support to Military Services

In addition to the COCOMs, DTRA also provides support to each of the individual military services. Over the years, we have provided a wide variety of expertise and services supporting activities within the military services, including support to the U.S. Navy during Operation Burnt Frost to helping the U.S. Marine Corps test biological agent detectors.

Support to Other DoD Agencies

DTRA also partnerships with various offices within the DoD, including the Office of the Secretary of Defense and the Joint Staff to support the armed forces. Other DoD organizations we work with include the Defense Advance Research Projects Agency, Missle Defense Agency, Armed Forces Radiobiology Research Institute and the National Defense University.