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STAR shieldAl Powell

Center for Satellite Applications and Research



Recent Publications

To see Dr. Powell's complete list of publications, abstracts, and citation metrics, visit his ResearcherID page.

Al Powell photoAl Powell Al spent 20 years in the U.S. Air Force as a weather officer. During his Air Force career, he worked as a weather forecaster, coordinated DMSP data receipt at a deployable satellite van, headed the Air Force Space Environmental Support Branch, commanded a weather detachment in North Dakota, supported and investigated environmental impacts on classified national programs, and analyzed environmental data associated with numerous Air Force missions.

After his Air Force environmental career, Dr. Powell chose to work for Autometric Inc., a remote sensing company, that analyzed imagery and developed the tools, visualization and data fusion applications to support the use of remotely sensed data. Autometric was purchased by Boeing Inc in 2000. While at Boeing Autometric, he headed the Environmental Applications Division that developed environmental tools and products for the analysis, fusion, and integration of environmental data for both Department of Defense and civil applications. These tools encompassed the atmospheric, oceanic, and space modeling. Tools for the fusion of hydroacoustic, infrasound, seismic and radionuclide transport information into comprehensive integrated applications were built to support Comprehensive Test Ban Treaty monitoring under a $6M proposal award. He published several papers on these tools and their application to real world problems. He was principal investigator on major proposals like the $1M proposal for the Advanced Research and Development Activity to develop improved techniques for analyzing environmental data in conjunction with integrated geospatial data and relational databases.

Dr. Powell has been the Deputy Director and now Director for NOAA's Center for Satellite Applications and Research (formerly Office of Research and Applications) for the last five years, supporting research on satellite products by managing the office's 100 scientists and staff plus approximately 100 support contractors.

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