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Satellite Oceanography & Climatology Division

Chief, Ocean Physics Branch


Recent Publications

To see Dr. Miller's complete list of publications, abstracts, and citation metrics, visit his ResearcherID page.

Laury Miller photoDr. Laury Miller, Chief of NOAA's Laboratory for Satellite Altimetry in Washington, joined the agency in 1985. His primary research interests include the use of satellite altimeter measurements to study equatorial dynamics; climate change; and sea level rise.

Laury documented the first altimeter observations of an El Niño, showing that Westerly Wind Bursts were responsible for the generation of Kelvin waves during the onset of an El Niño event. Recently he and co-author Bruce Douglas published a 2004 paper in the journal Nature, entitled "Mass and Volume Contributions to the Twentieth-Century Global Sea Level Rise", that helped resolve a controversy regarding the rate and causes of 20th Century sea level change.

In recognition of this accomplishment, Laury received a U.S. Department of Commerce Silver Medal Award in 2004. He also received a Gold Medal Award in 1997 for helping develop NOAA's operational El Niño prediction program, and a Silver Medal Award in 1987 for his contribution to the NOAA GEOdetic SATellite (GEOSAT) project.

Laury received his Ph.D. in physical oceanography from the University of Rhode Island, and a Bachelor's degree in physics from Antioch College, Yellow Springs, Ohio.

Recent Publications

Leuliette, E. W., and L. Miller (2009), Closing the sea level rise budget with altimetry, Argo, and GRACE, Geophys. Res. Lett., 36, L04608, doi:10.1029/2008GL036010.

Miller, L., and B. C. Douglas (2007), Gyre-scale atmospheric pressure variations and their relation to 19th and 20th century sea level rise, Geophys. Res. Lett., 34, L16602, doi:10.1029/2007GL030862.

Miller, L., and B. C. Douglas (2006), On the rate and causes of twentieth century sea-level rise, Phil. Trans. Roy. Soc. A., 364, 805-820, doi:10.1098/rsta.2006.1738.

Miller, L., Satellite altimetry and the NOAA/NESDIS sea surface height team, Backscatter, 29-34, 2004.

Miller, L. and B. C. Douglas, Mass and Volume Contributions to 20th Century Global Sea Level Rise, Nature, 248, 407-409, 2004.

Miller, L., and B. C. Douglas, Mass & Volume Contributions to 20th Century Global Sea Level Rise, Jason Science Working Team Meeting, Arles, France, 2003.

Miller, L. and B. C. Douglas, Sea Level Rise During the Past 80 Years Determined From Tide Gauge and Hydro Observations: Do They Agree?, EGS-AGU-EUG joint assembly, Nice, France, 2003.

Miller, L., R. Cheney, D. Behringer, C. Maes, Assessing the Impact of Satellite Altimeter Data on the NOAA/NCEP Operational Analysis, Proc. of Int. Sympos. "En Route to GODAE", Biarritz, France, pp. 299-300, 2002.

Vossepoel, F. C., R. W. Reynolds, and L. Miller, The Use of Sea Level Observations to Estimate Salinity Variability in the Tropical Pacific, J. Atm. Ocean. Tech.,16,1400-1414, 1999.

Carton, J. A., B. S. Giese, X. Cao, and L. Miller, Impact of TOPEX and Thermistor Data on Retrospective Analyses of the Tropical Pacific Ocean, J. Geophys. Res.,101,14,147-14,159, 1996.

Cheney, R., L. Miller, R. Agreen, N. Doyle, and J. Lillibridge, TOPEX/POSEIDON: The 2-cm Solution, J. Geophys. Res., 99, (C12), 24, 555-24564, 1994.

Donohue, K.A., M. Wimbush, X.Zhu, S. Chiswell, R.Lukas, L. Miller, H. Hurlburt, Five years central Pacific sea level from in-situ array, satellite altimeter and numerical model, Atmosphere-Ocean, 32 (2), 495-506, 1994.

Miller, L., R. Cheney, and J.Lillibridge, Blending ERS-1 Altimetry and Tide Gauge Data, EOS, Trans., Amer. Geophys. Union, 74, (16), 185 and 197, 1993.

Reed, R. K., F. Gonzalez, and L. Miller, On the structure and stability of the Alaskan Stream, J. Mar. Res., 49, 719-726, 1991.

Miller, L., and R. Cheney, Large-scale meridional transport in the tropical Pacific during the 1986-87 El Nino, J. Geophys. Res., 95, 17905-18920, 1990.

Cheney, R. E., and L. Miller, Recovery of the sea level signal in the western tropical Pacific from Geosat altimetry, J. Geophys. Res., 95 (C3), 2977-2984, 1990.

Douglas, B. C., R. E. Cheney, L. Miller, W. E. Carter, and D. S. Robertson, Greenland ice sheet; is it growing or shrinking?, Science, 248, 288, 1990.

Cheney, R. E., B. C. Douglas, and L.Miller, Evaluation of Geosat altimeter data with application to tropical Pacific sea level variability, J. Geophys. Res., 94 (C4), 4737-4747, 1989.

Miller, L., R. Cheney, and B. C. Douglas, GEOSAT Altimeter Observations of Kelvin Waves and the 1986-87 El Nino, Science, 239, 52- 54, 1988.

Cheney, R., and L. Miller, Mapping the 1986-87 El Nino with GEOSAT altimeter data, EOS, Trans. Amer. Geophys. Union, 69, (31), 754-755, 1988.

Milbert, D., B. Douglas, R. Cheney, L. Miller, R. Agreen, Calculation of sea level time series from noncollinear GEOSAT altimeter data, Mar. Geodesy, 12, 287-302, 1988.

Miller, L, R. Cheney, and D. Milbert, Sea level time series in the equatorial Pacific from satellite altimetry, Geophys. Res. Lett., 13, (5), 475-478, 1986.

Cheney, B. Douglas, R. Agreen, L. Miller, D. Milbert, and D. Porter, The GEOSAT altimeter mission: a milestone in satellite oceanography, EOS, Trans., Amer. Geophys. Union, The Oceanography Report, 67, (48), 1354-1355, 1986.

Miller, L., R. Watts, and M. Wimbush, Oscillations of dynamic topography in the eastern equatorial Pacific, J. Phys. Oceanogr., 15 (12), 1759-1770, 1985.

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