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  • View of Lake Crescent
    Looking Southeast
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updated 02/14/2013 10:15 PM PST
View of Lake Crescent Looking Southeast

Weather at Lake Crescent Monitoring Site updated 02/14/2013 10:00 PM PST

Current temperature  43 F 
Yesterday's minimum temperature  40 F 
Yesterday's maximum temperature  184 F 
Current relative humidity  100 % 
Yesterday's minimum relative humidity  2 % 
Yesterday's maximum relative humidity  100 % 
Current wind speed  0 mph  
Current wind direction WNW
Current solar radiation  0 watts/m 2 
Precipitation in last hour  0.00 in. 
Precipitation since midnight  0.12 in. 
Yesterday's precipitation  0.32 in. 
Current Lake Level  4.1 feet 
Current Water Temperature  44 F 
Data Logger Battery Voltage  13 volts 

Weather at Deer Park Monitoring Site

Current temperature  unavailable  
Yesterday's minimum temperature  unavailable 
Yesterday's maximum temperature  unavailable 
Current relative humidity  unavailable  
Yesterday's minimum relative humidity  unavailable 
Yesterday's maximum relative humidity  unavailable 
Current wind speed  unavailable  
Current wind direction
Current solar radiation   
Precipitation in last hour  0 in. 
Precipitation since midnight  0 in. 
Yesterday's precipitation  0.00 in. 

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Current Weather »
at Lake Crescent
updated 02/14/2013 10:00 PM PST
43 F

100 %

WNW-0 mph

Precipitation - 1 hr
0 in.

at Deer Park



- unavailable

Precipitation - 1 hr
0 in.

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    Last Updated: February 14, 2013