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What's up on land? What's going on down in the sanctuary? This is the place to find out. Between the news stories on our Home page, the Calendar of Events and our News Archives, we'll do our best

Are you a journalist looking for a good story? Please visit our Media section. Press Releases are available in a separate section.

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We'd be happy to send regular updates about the sanctuary straight to your email inbox. We also have email lists for specific topics such as fishing, diving, research, and education.

Please visit our Email Lists page to sign up for any of these lists.

Subscription to any of these lists is voluntary. Submitting your email information constitutes your consent to the use of the information for the stated purpose.

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Ocean Discovery Day, March 2013

Seaside Chat Series, February 2013 (311kb pdf)

Advisory Council Seats, January 2013

Mapping Shipwreck in Gulf of Mexico, September 2012 (161kb pdf)

Advisory Council Seats, October 2011

Lionfish Sighted in Sanctuary, August 2011

A mural of a coral reef scene being pieced together on a wall.
Mural created during Ocean Discovery Day 2011

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weather report observations cool stuff get wet

Ruby brittle star in foreground, snaking across a spawning star coral in background.  Coral spawn looks like white BBs floating up from the coral.
National Marine Sanctuary logo - a stylized whale tail above waves