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REMM 2009 Updates

  1. New animations/illustrations (September 2009)
    1. Radiation Contamination (5 animations)
    2. Radiation Exposure (2 animations)
    3. Radiological Dispersal Device: Explosive
    4. Radiological Dispersal Device: Non-explosive
    5. Radiological Exposure Device: Hidden Sealed Source
    6. Factors that Decrease Radiation from Exposure: Time, Distance, Shielding
    7. Simulated Radiological Exposure Device (RED) on Skin Illustrating Dose Attenuation
  2. New videos
    1. Screening people for external contamination: how to use hand-held radiation survey equipment
      from HHS/CDC/RSB (May 2009)
  3. New software tools
    1. Software tools for radiation emergency response (September 2009)
    2. Dose Estimator for Exposure (May 2009):
      enhancement of the biodosimetry tools using the AFRRI BAT program algorithms for "time to onset of vomiting" and "lymphocyte depletion kinetics"
    3. Download REMM to your computer and USB drive (June 2009)
  4. New sections
    1. Three Phases of the Response to an RDD or IND (February 2009):
      new content and diagram from federal guidance
    2. Dose Estimator for Exposure (May 2009):
      major improvement to the biodosimetry tools, using the AFRRI BAT program algorithms for "time to onset of vomiting" and "lymphocyte depletion kinetics"
    3. Multi-organ Dysfunction Syndrome (May 2009):
      multi-organ injury/dysfunction/failure syndromes: new paradigm for whole body radiation effects
    4. Response Planning (September 2009):
      new page title, content and links
    5. Radiation Response Worker Exposure Guides (PAGs) in the Early Phase (February 2009):
      federal guides
  5. Other enhancements:
    1. Psychological Issues and Mental Health Professionals: (September 2009)
      updated contents
    2. Perform Lifesaving Tasks Before Managing Radiation Problems (May 2009):
      new text in pop-up on all four patient management algorithms
    3. Triage Guidelines (February 2009):
      links to publications about new radiation and mass casualty triage categories
  6. New links to key guidance documents (September 2009)
    1. Assessing Medical Preparedness to Respond to a Terrorist Nuclear Event. Workshop Report. (Institute of Medicine of the National Academies. June 15, 2009. Purchase required.)
    2. Key Response Planning Factors for the Aftermath of Nuclear Terrorism (PDF - 4.52 MB) (Lawrence Livermore National Laboratory, August 2009)
    3. Planning Guidance for Response to a Nuclear Detonation (PDF - 1.69 MB) (Homeland Security Council, January 2009)
    4. Medical Management of Radiation Accidents: Manual on the Acute Radiation Syndrome. (METREPOL) (PDF - 970 KB) (originally published by Oxford: British Institute of Radiology; 2001) Compendium to the main METREPOL document (PDF - 580 KB)
  7. Training and Education: new links:
    1. Independent study program: IS-3 Radiological Emergency Management (DHS/FEMA/Emergency Management Institute) (May 2009)
    2. Public Health Planning for Radiological and Nuclear Terrorism (HHS/CDC) (May 2009)
Previous updates for REMM
  1. REMM 2008 updates

US Department of Health & Human Services     
U.S. Department of Health & Human Services Office of the Assistant Secretary for Preparedness and Response National Library of Medicine