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Call for Measurement Science and Engineering Research ...

Materials Research into Friction Provides Insight into...

Chu Resigns as U.S. Energy Secretary...

U.S. Steel Plant Reduces Environmental Impact with New...

Call for Nominations for Excellence in STEM Mentoring...

NIST Seeks Partners to Establish Graduate Fellowship P...

TMS/ASM Workshop Report Scopes Out Materials Data Challenges

Posted on: 2/13/2013 12:00:00 AM... TMS and ASM International jointly released a new report that draws on the perspectives of scientists, engineers, and data experts with membership in 20 different professional societies to define key data management issues that must be addressed to optimize innovation in materials science and engineering (MSE.) The report was generated from the findings of a workshop convened by TMS and ASM during the Materials Science & Technology 2012 Conference, held in October 2012.

The goal of the event and resulting report was to identify data sharing challenges associated with building the “materials innovation infrastructure,” which is at the core of the U.S. Materials Genome Initiative (MGI), announced by President Barack Obama in June 2011.

“This report represents an important step forward in the conversation surrounding interdisciplinary collaboration, as it identifies the primary categories of data associated with MSE—particularly from the structural materials perspective,” said George Spanos, TMS Technical Director. “It also explores the degree to which these categories of data are being actively shared across fields, and considers some key data management issues.”

... Read the Report

Met Trans A Publishes Special Supplement on Materials for Energy Applications
Members Read It Free through
Posted on: 2/12/2013 12:00:00 AM... Metallurgical and Materials Transactions A (Met Trans A) has published a special issue focused on materials for energy applications.

Edited by K. Scott Weil, Owens-Illinois Inc., the issue offers structure/property studies on specific materials that are used in energy conversion or storage applications. Innovative ways of producing metals and other materials that can be done with less energy or fewer pollutants are also represented.

A highly respected, peer-reviewed journal, Met Trans A is jointly published by TMS and ASM International. TMS members can access their online subscriptions to Met Trans A and other TMS journals through

8th International Symposium on Superalloy 718 and Derivatives
Now Open for Abstract Submissions
Posted on: 2/10/2013 12:00:00 AM... The 8th International Symposium on Superalloy 718 and Derivatives is scheduled for September 28–October 1, 2014 at the Marriott City Center in Pittsburgh, Pennsylvania. The symposium will cover all aspects of metallurgical processing, materials behavior, and microstructural performance for a distinct class of 718 type superalloys and derivatives.

This technical meeting will focus on Alloy 718 and Superalloys in this class relative to alloy and process development, production, product applications, trends, and the development of advanced modeling tools. The symposium provides an opportunity for authors to present technical advancements relative to a broad spectrum of areas while assessing their impact on related fields associated with this critical alloy group.
... Submit an Abstract

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MS&T’13 March 15, 2013: Abstract Submission Deadline [MORE]

2nd World Congress on Integrated Computational Materials Engineering June 14, 2013: Advance Registration Deadline [MORE]

Liquid Metal Processing & Casting Conference 2013 (LMPC 2013) August 29, 2013: Advance Registration Deadline [MORE]

8th International Symposium on Superalloy 718 and Derivatives November 1, 2013: Abstract Submission Deadline [MORE]


February 2013

Read JOM on SpringerLink

Dr. Donna Guillen 
TMS Member Project Lead, Idaho National Laboratory

• Idaho Falls, ID
United States

• EPD Technical Division Volunteer

• Member since 2011

Expertise: Licensed professional engineer in the State of Idaho with over 25 years experience in mechanical and systems engineering. Research: Multiphase computational fluid dynamics and thermal hydraulics for suystainable energy technologies. Autored/co-authored over 60 technical publications Previous positions: Adjunct Professor at the Idaho State University; Adjunct Professor at Utah State University. Volunteerism: Technical committees, organizes/chairs technical conferences, peer reviews of technical papers and journals.

To suggest a member for a future profile, contact JOM editor Maureen Byko.