The Fertilizer Institute Search

TFI, CFI and IPNI Contribute to 4R Special Feature
The Fertilizer Institute (TFI), in partnership with the Canadian Fertilizer Institute (CFI), recently sponsored the first article in what will be a five part article series on the 4R nutrient stewardship system. The articles, which are being published in the American Society of Agronomy’s (ASA) Crops & Soils magazine, are being coordinated and coauthored by the International Plant Nutrition Institute (IPNI), and are intended to provide an in-depth look at the economic, environmental and social benefits that come as a result of implementing the 4R nutrient stewardship system, which refers to the use of the right fertilizer product at the right rate, right time and right place.
Click here to access the first article of the series.

TFI Develops Climate Change Policy Brochure
The Fertilizer Institute (TFI) today released its climate change policy brochure, “The U.S. Fertilizer Industry and Climate Change Policy,” which was developed as a tool for use in climate change policy debates. The brochure reinforces that “when formulating climate change related policies, Congress needs to consider the dramatic impact these policies could have on our national food security.” Click here for more.

TFI Testifies on Climate Change Policy
The Fertilizer Institute (TFI) testified yesterday evening regarding the impact of proposed climate change policies on the U.S. fertilizer industry at a hearing before the U.S. Senate Republican Conference and the Republican Policy Committee. The hearing was held by House and Senate Republicans to examine how the carbon cap and trade provisions included in President Barack Obama’s budget will impact consumers and businesses. TFI President Ford B. West, who testified on behalf of TFI and its member companies, specifically outlined the serious challenges that cap and trade climate change policy poses to the U.S. fertilizer manufacturing industry, American farmers and the economy. Click here for more.

TFI is pleased to announce the release of myRMP Suite of Retail Guidance Materials, updated compliance tools which are free to industry members. myRMP is a revised version of the Retail Guidance Document for Agricultural Retailers supported by EPA. This new Web based tool is administered for TFI by Asmark Institute. To access myRMP, simply click on the following link and enter your TFI member login and password. Click here to access myRMP.

Nurse Tank Inspection Program
TFI secured an exemption from the Department of Transportation to continue to use properly inspection nurse tanks. TFI, together with the Asmark Institute, encourage you to apply for the exemption.

Aboveground Storage Tanks of Liquid Fertilizer - Recommended Inspection Guidelines
This publication provides suggested, uniform industry inspection and maintenance guidelines for aboveground storage tanks of liquid fertilizer.

Click here to access a copy of the publication.

Health Effects of Ammonia Brochure
This brochure is a useful tool in summarizing health effects of ammonia at certain levels of exposure and features a section on how to protect yourself.
Click here to view the brochure.

TFI State Nutrient Issues Grant Program
TFI's state nutrient issues grant program has been developed to assist state and regional fertilizer associations as they engage with government officials, the agriculture community and key stakeholders on nutrient use issues. Click here to learn more about the program and access application materials.

Fertilizer: An Investment for 2009 Crops
The International Plant Nutrition Institute has prepared a series of articles that may be helpful in dealing with the dilemma of fertilizer decisions this year. These include:
- Chances of Losing Yield from Fertilizer Rate Reductions
- Don't Make a Fertilizer Decision this Spring without a Soil Test
- Optimum Nitrogen and Phosphorus Rates in Times of Changing Grain and Fertilizer Markets
- There Is No Substitute for Adequate Crop Nutrition
- Crop Nutrient Economics: Price Ratios
Click here to access the full range of IPNI materials.

TFI Briefing Brochures
TFI has developed a series of issues briefing brochures which help to deliver an essential understanding of the fertilizer industry to consumers, farmers and congressional representatives. The brochures include "Fertilizer's Role in World Food Production," "Supply and Demand, Energy Drive Global Fertilizer Prices," "Fertilizer's Role in Agriculture," "Rail Transportation of Fertilizer," "Managing your Fertilizer Nutrient Inputs," "The Fertilizer Industry and Climate Change Policy," and "U.S. Fertilizer Production and Mining Facilities at a Glance." Click on any of the images to view the complete copy of one of the brochures.


Fertilizer Nutrients Nourish the Soil

This comprehensive brochure explains how fertilizer nutrients nourish the soil that nourishes people.

Click here to view the brochure.

5 Fertilizer Messages

Click on this link to access the 5 key fertilizer messages.

Find Out More About the Foundation
The Nutrients for Life Foundation is committed to providing science-based information about fertilizers in an effort to improve understanding of how the responsible use of fertilizers can improve the health of our soil, the plants that grow in it, and, ultimately, the foods that we eat. To view a video of the Foundation, click here.

The Fertilizer Institute, 820 First Street, N.E., Washington, DC 20002, (p): 202/962-0490, (f):202/962-0577
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