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Atlantic RTOFS Model Data Downloads

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Model data from the Atlantic RTOFS is available in GRIB (GRIdded Binary) format on the the NCEP Central Operations Production FTP server, the NOMADS GDS/DODS data server, and the NODC archive at the following URLs:

  1. FTPPRD: NCO Production FTP Server latest run only
  2. Operational NOMADS (GDS/DODS) latest + 1 month archive (production only)
  3. Developmental NOMADS (GDS/DODS) latest + 3 months archive daily/hourly (production and parallel)
  4. NODC Archive NOMADS THREDDS permanent archive of data from 5/2006 to about three months behind latest run.
    Click here for the Submission Agreement and FGDC format metadata files (NODC Accession ID 0026419)

Additional documentation on using NOMADS/DODS to obtain Atlantic RTOFS model data is listed below. You may need to install the free Acrobat® Reader to view them.

In addition to the full-field data sets available from the MMAB FTP and NCEP NOMADS (GDS/DODS) servers several additional subregions are available through the NOMADS server. These are surface fields derived from the full-field data interpolated to a regular lat/lon grid.

Atlantic RTOFS GRIB subregions on interpolated grid A map of the surface field subregions interpolated to a regular lat/lon grid.
Click on image to enlarge.

The GRIB file name format is: ofs_atl_t00z.YYMMDD.ffff.grb

  • YYYY = year
  • MM = month
  • DD = day
  • ffff (nowcast/forecast) =
    • N000 (nowcast)
    • F024 (24-hour forecast)
    • F048 (48-hour forecast)
    • F072 (72-hour forecast)
    • F096 (96-hour forecast)
    • F120 (120-hour forecast)

Model Data Description

The full-field data sets on NOADS and the FTPPRD server are in the model's native orthogonal curvilinear coordinates in the horizontal, and are interpolated to 40 pressure levels in the vertical. Here is a list of the interpolated depths.

The following fields are included in the GRIB files:

Daily three-dimensional fields (40 pressure levels)

  • Salinity (psu)
  • In-Situ Temperature (C)
  • Horizontal Velocities (m/sec)1
  • Vertical Velocity (m/sec)
  • Mixed Layer Depth (m)
  • Sea Surface Height (m, relative to geoid)

1Note that the u and v horizontal velocities are in the frame of reference of the model grid, not rotated into lat/lon coordinates. Rotation routines in Fortran and MATLAB are available here.

Hourly surface fields

  • Sea Surface Height (m, relative to geoid)
  • Sea Surface Salinity (psu)
  • Sea Surface Temperature (C)
  • Sea Surface Horizontal Velocities (m/sec)1
  • Mixed Layer Thickness (meters)

1Note that the u and v horizontal velocities are in the frame of reference of the model grid, not rotated into lat/lon coordinates. Rotation routines in Fortran and MATLAB are available here.

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Page last modified: Friday, 05-Oct-2012 15:12:06 EDT