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Residential Compliance Using REScheck

The REScheck product group makes it fast and easy for builders, designers, and contractors to determine whether new homes, additions, and alterations meet the requirements of the IECC or a number of state energy codes. REScheck also simplifies compliance determinations for building officials, plan checkers, and inspectors by allowing them to quickly determine if a low-rise residence meets the code.

REScheck is appropriate for insulation and window trade-off calculations in residential detached one- and two-family buildings and multi-family buildings three stories or less in height above grade, such as apartments, condominiums, and townhouses. REScheck works by performing a simple U-factor x Area (UA) calculation for each building assembly to determine the overall UA of a building. The UA that would result from a building conforming to the code requirements is compared against the UA for your building. If the total heat loss (represented as a UA) through the envelope of your building does not exceed the total heat loss from the same building conforming to the code, the software generates a report that declares your building is compliant with the code.

REScheck Desktop can be downloaded and installed directly to your desktop, while REScheck-Web™ is accessible directly from the website without having to download and install.

See if your state or county can use REScheck to show compliance.

REScheck™ Software

REScheck for Windows, version 4.4.4; 25.1MB

REScheck™ for Windows®
Version 4.4.4 (Build Version:
Runs on Windows 2000, XP, Vista, or Windows 7 in either single, multi-user, or network environments

Supported Codes:

2003, 2006, 2007 (supplement to 2006 IECC), 2009 and 2012 IECC; 2006 IRC; and various state and county energy codes.

REScheck 4.4.4 introduces a redesigned Inspection Checklist that organizes code requirements by stage of construction, provides code section numbers corresponding to each code requirement, and provides online links to references and clarifications for most code requirements. Coupled with this report redesign is the introduction of a new Requirements screen within the REScheck user interface that gives the user an ability to review, verify, and document mandatory and prescriptive energy code requirements that are listed in the Inspection Checklist. Currently the new Inspection Checklist and Requirements screen are only available for the 2009 IECC and the 2010 New York Energy Conservation Construction Code. This release also considers compliance for Additions separately from Alterations and it discontinues support for the Pima County, AZ energy codes as an independent code option. Users seeking compliance with the current Pima County, AZ energy code are now directed to comply with 2012 IECC.

Download REScheck for Mac, version 4.4.3; 12.3MB

REScheck™ for Mac®
Version 4.4.3 (Build Version:
Runs on Mac OS X

Supported Codes

2003, 2006, 2007 (supplement to 2006 IECC), 2009 and 2012 IECC; 2006 IRC; and various state and county energy codes.

Minimum System Requirements

  • Mac OS X 10.5.x or later (for 10.5.x Java 1.5.0 must be installed)
  • at least 256 MB total RAM
  • at least 20 MB of disk space.

The REScheck_OSX.dmg file will be created on your machine.



REScheck-Web simplifies residential energy code compliance by automating tradeoff calculations for the IECC and a number of state-specific codes. It performs just like the REScheck desktop version, but you don't need to download or install any software on your computer.