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Closing Guantanamo Would Be a Monumental Security Mistake
Posted by Randy | July 21, 2009

I returned home yesterday evening from a trip to the Guantanamo Bay detention facility. First-hand observations of the Guantanamo Bay facility only further confirmed the security risk and the sheer costs associated with transferring detainees to American soil would make closing Guantanamo Bay a monumental mistake for our nation.


High-ranking officials at Guantanamo Bay confirmed yesterday that, if the protection of American citizens and justice for the families who lost loved ones on 9/11 is the number one priority for us, the best place to maintain detainees is not on American soil, but at Guantanamo Bay because of the complex issues associated with detaining and trying these suspected terrorists. Furthermore, the officials acknowledged the millions of dollars, as well as the considerable amount of time and effort spent to set up military tribunal courts there. At the very minimum, we ought to recognize the burden that recreating these courts would place on our communities given the current state of our economy and our already-massive federal deficit. Also, these actions could jeopardize ongoing prosecutions of 9-11 defendants and could even result in their possible release.


But most alarming is the impact that moving these detainees would have on the security of our nation in the short and long term. The Administration’s decision on how we handle the detainees sets precedence for our nation – in the rights that we will afford terrorists in the future and in the security of our nation for future generations. Even the ‘low-risk’ detainees at this facility have the potential for further violence, as we saw in 2008 when an ex-Guantanamo detainee killed and wounded many in a suicide bombing attack. The protection of American citizens and justice for the families of those lost on 9/11 ought to be the number one priority for us.


The question now remains whether the Administration and Congress are comfortable placing a target on our backs right here in our own communities. Simply put, bringing detainees to the United States is a risk we cannot take.

Here is some more information on this issue:

I introduced legislation to prohibit the transfer of Guantanamo detainees to Virginia. I also sent a letter asking Governor Kaine to stand with me in opposing bringing detainees to Virginia.

The Administration has delayed announcing how detainees from Guantanamo will be handled if it were to close.


Families of the 9-11 victims have urged the administration to drop its plans to close Guantanamo and have advocated for terror trials to restart there.

Users are solely responsible for the opinions they post here and their comments do not necessarily reflect the views of Congressman Forbes.
  • Scott Brown commented on 7/25/2009
    As a member of your district, and the DOD, currently employed working on this very subject, I completely agree. Beyond that, I should hold my comment. I appreciate the effort you are making on our behalf.
  • William Doughtie commented on 7/28/2009
    I am a member of your district and I appreciate your personal effort to keep Guantanamo open. I do not want to see any of the detainees located on the shores of the U. S. A. More importantly housed in Virginia. Thank you for urging Gov. Kaine to stand with you.
  • Lois Haynes Tapner commented on 7/28/2009
    I agree with you on not closing Guantanamo and hope you get the backing you need to succeed. I have other concerns which I will be addressing in a letter to your office and I hope you will have a chance to read them.
  • David Sullivan commented on 7/28/2009
    I agree with you 100% on the Guantanamo issue, as I do on the majority of your opinions. I disagree with the majority of opinions of our two Democrat Senators and have frequently told them so via phone, FAX, and E-Mail. The usual response from them is a typical generic form letter, ignoring any of my specific ideas. It is so frustrating that they refuse to even acknowledge a comment. I am an 85 year old veteran of WWII with a very rare cancer. My wife cannot live with me any more because of Dementia. We are totally aware of the great medical facilities which we have experienced. I beg of you, please exert your maximum influence to kill this stupid Obama Care Bill which is aimed at depriving we Seniors of the excellent care presently available in this great nation. God's blessings to you and your family.
  • Cassandra Dutrey-Ellis commented on 7/29/2009
    Thank you, Congressman Forbes, for your efforts to protect the innocent and avoid unnecessary spending in these hard economic times. I pray that you and like-minded men and women in congress will prevail on this issue.
  • Maria Booth commented on 7/30/2009
    I agree. Closing Guatanamo would be a mistake. Thanks for your stance on this!
  • Maria Booth commented on 8/1/2009
    I totally disagree with your position on the closing of Guantanamo. It is absurd to believe that we cannot contain these prisoners on US soil. We already safely contain many more dangerous persons. I expect my representative to demonstrate leadership on this issue, rather than use scare tactics. The continued existence of Guantanamo prison serves to produce more persons who view the United States as torturers and oppressors. Why not show the world that we truly believe in our justice system and the rights of individuals. Bring these folks to US soil.
  • Maria Booth commented on 8/1/2009
    I totally disagree with your position on the closing of Guantanamo. It is absurd to believe that we cannot contain these prisoners on US soil. We already safely contain many more dangerous persons. I expect my representative to demonstrate leadership on this issue, rather than use scare tactics. The continued existence of Guantanamo prison serves to produce more persons who view the United States as torturers and oppressors. Why not show the world that we truly believe in our justice system and the rights of individuals. Bring these folks to US soil.
  • John Pigg commented on 8/4/2009
    Thank you Mr. Forbes for standing up for what is right. Also thank you for being against the health care bill that they want to pass. We don't need the people from Guantanamo here on American soil. Thank you very much. John C. Pigg
  • Anne Pemberton commented on 8/4/2009
    Congressman Forbes, I strongly disagree with your position Guatanamo. I feel that all human beings are entitled to a fair and speedy trial and the justice meted out by the court. I do not care if they face a military court, or a domestic one, but holding people without charges and trial for this amount of time is inhuman no matter what they are suspected of doing. If we believe that our rights are "God given", we cannot withhold them from those we perceive to be "enemies" or "terrorists". Americans are not innocent of practicing "terrorism" around the world or at home.
  • Fairfax Lee commented on 11/19/2009
    I agree that they should not be brought to the US and should definitely not be brought to VA. That just makes the community they are eventually located in a very specific target for their "friends." Gitmo shouldn't be closed without an approved relocation plan for each person there, and there should be a vote on that relocation plan so that the communities involved have a say. It was a mistake for the President to agree to close it without having any idea what he was going to do with those people. There's any number of places they can have a fair trial without creating additional, community-specific threats to American communities! Judges and juries are afraid of gang retribution in big cities all the time, would you like to be the person deciding this case knowing you and your city will end up on someone's jihad list?
  • Levi LeBourgeois commented on 12/9/2009
    Are we really big cowards? Is terrorism doing it's job? The argument that we could have the same fair trials in Gitmo and save money holds up, but to cower in fear of these guys and their friends if they step foot on American soil is crazy.
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