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Legislative Information Becomes More Transparent
Posted by Randy | December 20, 2011
A critical component of good lawmaking is the ability to get input from those we represent and give citizens a chance to see the bill rather than limiting them to empty concepts that fit well into a sound-bite.  In the new year, constituents in Virginia's Fourth District and citizens across the nation will have a powerful tool at their hands that will provide an opportunity for you to read legislative information, increase feedback, and help improve the legislative process.

The Committee on House Administration last week adopted new standards that will require all House legislative documents to be published electronically in an open, searchable format on one centralized website. This includes all bills, resolutions, amendments, and conference reports to be considered by the House, as well as votes, meeting notices, and other committee documents. Providing access to this legislative information through a central website will expand and improve public access to the legislative process.

I have long-called for this level of transparency so that those being impacted by the legislation have an opportunity to review it and offer input to their elected officials before it is voted on.

I’ll be sure to keep you updated on the progress of this site and share the resource as soon as it comes available.
Users are solely responsible for the opinions they post here and their comments do not necessarily reflect the views of Congressman Forbes.
  • thomas G commented on 12/20/2011
    It would also congressman if you changed your own internal policy that provides those who read your comments with an opportunity to provide you with counsel as you advocate. The problem is that you have a history here of asking for constituent feedback on an upcoming vote at the 11th hour, and on one occassion you asked for it on a committee hearing AFTER the hearing had already taken place. True transparency would to provide both viewpoints on an issue instead of the typical spin we get from you. For example, don't you think it was shallow when arguing for the Keystone pipeline not to mention that it was the Nebraska republican legislature, by a unamimous vote that wanted the pipeline route to be changed because it threatens a vital drinking water resource, especially given that there wer 12 leaks in the pipline in less than 1 year. You see congressman Forbes, the public has long wanted you to be fully honest with us. How long are we going to have to wait for that? I hope not as long as you've protected millionaires and billionaires tax rates at 1931 levels that has produced no jobs while doing nothing for the middle class you seem to have abandoned.
  • Rich Reviello commented on 12/21/2011
    Congressman here we are again looking at what you say and what it actually means. Having gone to school and then living in the State of Nebraska I know all to well exactly were the proposed pipeline will be impacting that great state. Water supplies in Nebraska are and have been critically low for many years, the Platte River has and continues to dry up, and ground water in the state is critically low. Protecting the state from a potentially harmful oil spill in that portion of the state will with out a doubt, do so much harm to the region it could never recover from. This is why republican law makers from Nebraska have themselves voted against it. Environmental studies are critical for that very reason, but to use the tax breaks for the middle class and extended unemployment for those Americans out of work as leverage to get this pipline pushed through, shows Americans exactly what the GOP is all about. I assure you Mr Congressman people are starting to notice what exactly is going on in the Hall of Congress, it is all about the lobbyist, and not the American People anymore. It is all about politics first and the people 2nd unless you happen to be fortunate to be wealthy and than you"ll fight for their tax breaks and use tax breaks for the middle class as leverage.
  • Thomas G commented on 12/22/2011
    I have noticed that when it comes to transparency there is policy here with respect to the congressman's public statements, there is no opportunity for the electorate to respond on the blog regarding those statements. This suppression is very troubling because without the public dialogue it is just more evidence that as a tea party republican it is either my way or the highway representation. Isn't it obvious that we have representation committed to further obstruction? The refusal to provide any public call for a vote on the president's Jobs Act as well as action to protect the interests of millionaires and billionaires by refusing to call for a vote on the payroll tax question is far out of step with mainstream thinking. I believe this call for transparency to ring hollow. Please congressman Forbes, if you are going to publish an official statement so that you can control the dynamics then just admit that you are unwilling to consider the will of your constituency. The voters see through all of this of course, and it is beyond disappointing, it is disturbing only adding to the public mistrust.
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