The US Agency for International Development and Its Role in Climate Change Print E-mail


The U.S. Agency for International Development (USAID) supports a number of programs that enable decision-makers to apply high-quality climate information to decision-making.

The Famine Early Warning System Network (FEWS NET) continues to provide short- and long-term climate forecasts in the developing world that help to enhance the adaptive capacity of developing countries coping with climate variability and change. FEWS NET produces a number of regular reports that combine meteorological data with ground-based livelihoods information to provide information on food security within a number of developing countries. These reports are publicly available and include Food Security Updates, a monthly report with comprehensive coverage of current and projected food security conditions and their implications; and Alerts, one-page statements issued when a crisis is emerging or deteriorating or when early action is recommended. This information will better enable development agencies and regional and local institutions to direct appropriate resources and support toward strengthening the adaptive capacity of affected groups and the food production systems upon which they depend.

USAID recently released Adapting to Coastal Climate Change: A Guidebook for Development Planners as a follow-up to the 2007 Adaptation Guidance Manual. This Guidebook presents a framework and approach for assessing coastal vulnerabilities and specific measures for reducing vulnerability. It is designed to address the needs of decision-makers and coastal managers.

Visit USAID's Global Climate Change Program website.