MINOS-Neutrino JOBS page

A page with job positions (mostly) related to neutrino experiments. Last Updated 30 April 2009

(Please note the difficulty in maintaining a page such as this.  I will link to job notices that are received, but information may not be up-to-date.)

   Alabama Postdoc to work on Double Chooz (posted December 21, 2007)

   Argonne named postdoctoral positions in high energy physics, HEP division includes neutrino group and other groups involved in theory, accelerator experiments and particle astrophysics (named annually; 2008 deadline Director's postdoctoral fellowships June 2 and October 6; Named Postdoctoral Fellowships November 5)

   Argonne Assistant Physicist and/or Physicist position to work with the Neutrino Group. The ANL neutrino group works on Double Chooz, MINOS and NOvA. (posted April 2009, full consideration for any applicant by May 22, 2009)

   Argonne Two postdoctoral Positions in the Neutrino Group. On is to work primarily on Double Chooz. The other primarily NOvA. Each postdoc may also work on MINOS. (posted September 30, 2008)

   University of California Berkeley Postdoctoral Position in Ice Cube (posted June 2008)

   Lawrence Berkeley National Lab Chamberlain fellowship for recent Ph.D. in experimental particle physics and cosmology (posted 24 Sep 2008, deadline 17 Oct 2008)

  CEA/SACLAY Postdoctor Position in Neutrino Physics Applied to Non Proliferation (Posted July 2008)

  CFTP-IST-Lisbon Three 5-year positions for researchers with some post-doctoral experience, (Posted September 2008)

  Cleveland Clinic Postdoc in MRI Physics (posted October 23, 2008)

  Colorado State University postdoc T2K (posted 24 January 2008)

  University of Colorado postdoc on T2K (posted February 2009, deadline 28 Feb 2009)

  Columbia Faculty position in non-collider particle or astroparticle physics (Posted September 2008)

  University of California at Davis postdoctoral position on DUSEL water detector R&D (Posted July 31, 2008)

  Department of Energy Associate Director for HEP (Posted May 2008)

Fermilab Associate Scientist, Neutrino Physics (3 Year Term) (Posted, April 2009; Close data May 31, 2009)

Fermilab Applications Physicist I with the Computing Division (Closing Date May 1, 2009)

Fermilab Wilson fellowships for candidates with at least two years of post-doctoral work. Fellows work on a Fermilab particle physics experiment of their choice. This is annual, with a 2007 deadline of November 2. (reposted 17 September 2007) link for 2007

Fermilab Lederman Fellowship in Experimental particle or Accelerator Physics at Fermilab, Postdocs at Fermilab, ( Posted December 08, Applications accepted through 12 Jan 09)

  University of Geneva Post Doctoral position in Neutrino Group with Some Teaching (Posted December 20, 2007)

  Georgia Tech Postdoctoral positions in high-energy astrophysics, astroparticle and gravitational physics (Posted September 11, 2008, Review Begins December 1, 2008)

  Harvard University Postdoc on MINOS (posted January 8, 2008)

  IIT Postdoc on MINOS and/or Daya Bay (posted April 2009)

  Imperial College Postdoctoral fellowship on T2K (posted March 14, 2008)

  Imperial College Research Associate, Fermilab/Imperial College London Joint Fellowship in Accelerator Science (posted October 2008, closing 30 October 2008) br>

  University of Indiana Full Professor in experimental nuclear physics (posted September 30 2008)

  University of Indiana Postdoc on MINOS & NOvA (posted July 2008, Full consideration for applications by November 1, 2008)

  INFN Postdoctoral Fellowships for Non-Italians in experimental and theoretical research, For persons under 35. (deadline for 2008 is October 20, 2007)

  IPN Orsay France Postdoctoral Fellowships in Theoretical Neutrino Physics and related topics (posted May 2008)

  JLAB Staff physicist position at JLab (posted April 2009)

  KEK Assistant Professor to work on T2K (posted December 12 2007, Deadline January 25, 2008)

  KEK Associate Professor to work on T2K (posted January 6, 2008, Deadline February 29, 2008)

  Kansas State University Research Associate on Double Chooz. (posted April 2008)

  Laurentian University, , Postdoctoral Research Positions at SNOLAB for the SNO+ and DEAP Experiments (posted June 2008)

  LLR (Ecole Polytechnique) , Postdoctoral Position on T2K (posted March 31, 2008)

  University College London , Research Associate positions in neutrino Physics (posted October 2007)

  Los Alamos National Lab, postdoctoral position on nuclear measurement for non-proliferation (posted November 1, 2007)

  Louisiana State University , Faculty position in Neutrino Physics (posted September 2007)

  Louisiana State University , Postdoc in Neutrino Physics (posted September 2007)

  Lyon University , Faculty position in Neutrino Physics (posted March 31, 2008)

  Manchester University , postdocs on D0 (posted 14 October 2007, closing date 2 November 2007)

  Michigan State University , faculty position in experimental particle physics (posted 11 September 2008, review of applicants to begin 15 November 2008)

  The University of Minnesota , Faculty Position (posted 19 September 2008)

  The University of Minnesota , postdoc on NOvA (posted 2 September 2008)

  North Central College , physics instructor (posted 31 July 2007)

  Northeastern Illinois University , Part Time Instructor in Physics starting spring 2008 (posted 21 November 2007)

  Oxford University , Postdoc on MINOS (posted August 27 2008)

  Ohio State University Postdoctoral Fellows for the Ohio State Center for Cosmology and Astro-Particle Physics (CCAPP) (reposted December 12, 2007, applications due December 31, 2007)

  Ohio State University postdoctoral position on the Dark Energy Survey (posted July 20 2007)

  Queen Mary University of London postdoc position on T2K (posted July 2007)

  Queen Mary University of London 2 lectureship positions, one on T2K (posted December 2008)

  Queens University; Ontario Canada Tenure Track Position in Experimental Particle Astrophysics (posted September 24, 2008)

   Rutherford Lab     Postdoctoral position to work on MINOS (posted December 18, 2008)

   University of California Santa Barbara faculty position in experimental particle physics (linked December 10, 2007, open until filled. Nominal deadline was 1 December, but ad was sent after that date.)

   SNO positions can be found here and are time-dependent

   SNOLAB PostDoctoral Fellow Position in Experimental Astroparticle Physics (posted May 2008; Review will begin June 15, 2008)

   South Carolina postdoc on MINOS/NOvA (posted January 23, 2008)

   South Dakota School of Mines Assistant, Associate of Professor in Physics, near DUSEL (posted December 2008; First consideration February 2, 2009)

   Stonybrook postdoc on T2K (posted February 2009)

   IPHC-IN2P3/CNRS Strasbourg postdoc with Neutrino Oscillation Group (posted July 24, 2007, position starts October 1, 2007)

   Sussex Studentships including MINOS.

Sussex Two faculty posts in the Experimental Particle Physics group at the University of Sussex (posted June 2008)

Sussex Postdoc on MINOS and possibly SNO+(posted September 2008, Deadline October 24, 2008)

  Tokyo Associate Professor in High Energy Physics to work on Belle or T2K, (posted 24 October, 2008; deadline 16 Jan 2009)

  IFIC Valencia , Two Postdoctoral Research Associates on NEUTRINO physics (posted December 2008, close 31 Jan 2009)

  The University of Victoria , Postdoctoral Position on T2K (posted 31 May 2007; )

  University of Warwick Research position on T2K for a recent Ph.D.; (posted 23 May, 2007; deadline 20 June 2007)

   Wichita State University; The Department of Physics at Wichita State University invites applications for a tenure-track faculty position in high-energy, nuclear or astro-particle physics (posted June 29, 2007)

   William and Mary MINOS/MInerva postdoc, (posted June 2008)

   Yale University in Connecticut, MicroBooNE postdoc, (posted November 11 2008)

   York University in Toronto Canada, T2K postdoc, (posted August 1 2008)

   ETH Zurich T2K postdoc, (posted April 2009)

Other Job Resources:

Spires (with a hint of neutrinoness) ;
Physics Today Jobs Search ;
American Institute of Physics ;
SNO Jobs Page

If you would like to add, change or remove information from this page, please contact Maury Goodman at 630-252-3646