About CASL

Performance Metrics

Three sets of overall metrics link CASL performance to its strategic goals:

  • Technical Performance - develop advanced, integrated modeling & simulation (M&S) and apply to augment the performance of operating reactors through the resolution of pertinent Challenge Problems;
  • Management Performance - manage a vastly diverse, yet cohesive team to deliver the planned technical scope on target, schedule and budget; and
  • Innovation and Agility - have the capability of identifying and adjusting to new circumstances and effectively communicating with the technical community.

Input, advice, review, and feedback for CASL are provided by the Industry Council (IC) for Technical Performance, the Board of Directors (BOD) for Management Performance, and the Science Council (SC) for Innovation and Agility. Superior performance by CASL in each of these areas is required for success.

Figure 1: CASL’s three performance measures are linked to its strategic goals

Technical Performance is assessed according to the ability to meet those milestones that provide industry solutions (e.g., Challenge Problem simulations), develop and assess/validate advanced phenomenological models, effectively deploy Test Stands, improve products for industry, spur new initiatives, and effectively interface with the NRC. Significant technical performance measures for CASL during any given Plan of Record (PoR) include meeting project level milestones and the establishment of Test Stands at industry sites for application of CASL methodology to design and operations activities. The IC is chartered in part to provide direct advice and review on CASL’s performance in this area of technology.

Management Performance reflects CASL’s ability to meet its virtual one-roof plan (collocation), maintain consortium cohesion and chemistry, and deliver its technical and programmatic objectives according to planned scope, schedule, and budget. Key management performance measures in any given plan of record (PoR) include meeting collocation targets, hitting all scheduled CASL-wide and Focus Area (FA)-level milestones, managing the current budget, ensuring that expenditures are consistent with the budget, maintaining efficient operations, and implementing the appropriate level of program management processes and procedures. The BOD is chartered to provide formal review and advice on CASL’s ability to effectively manage the consortium and execute its duties according to its strategic plan.

Innovation and Agility reflects an assessment of the promptness by which CASL can and will adjust and adapt to new circumstances and how effectively it communicates with and impacts the technical community. It will also measure the quality level of CASL science and engineering, industrial, and computational capabilities. Obvious measures are planned technical publications and invited talks and presentations, but also the ability to meet certain milestones specifically targeting high-risk, high-payoff R&D endeavors. The SC is chartered in part to provide formal review of CASL’s ability to innovate and yet maintain agility.

While CASL does have measures in place to monitor and continuously improve its performance during execution, success at the close of the CASL tenure is characterized by three principal metrics:

  • Delivered solutions and insights to nuclear industry challenges;
  • Delivered CASL modeling & simulation (M&S) technology (VERA) broadly to the nuclear enterprise with a sustainable release and support model in place; and
  • Established an effective process for continued development and technology transfer of VERA.

The degree of attainment of these three metrics will greatly influence what becomes of CASL generated solutions, capabilities and intellectual property post-CASL.