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First-rate Morale, Welfare and Recreational programs for
Air Force families serving in Alaska, Guam, Hawaii, Japan and Korea

Your Market!
Pacific Air Forces is the best place to build brand preference.

 36,000 Active Duty Air Force plus 37,000 family members
 Age
Average age of the officer force is 35; for enlisted Airmen, it's 29
Of the force, 38.5% are below the age of 26
 Marital Status
60.6% of the current force is married
73 % of the officers and 57.6% of enlisted Airmen
 Education
Officer force: 52% have advanced or professional degrees
Enlisted force: 71.3% have some semester hours towards a college degree,
17.6% have an associate's degree or equivalent semester hours, 5.1% have a bachelor's degree
 Gender
19.6% of the force are women
 15,000 Department of Defense civilian employees
Our Services Customers
 Spent $59 Million Dining in our Enlisted and Officer Clubs
 Purchased $9.5 Million in Airfare at our Ticket & Tours Office
 Visited the Fitness Center 4.5 Million Times Last Year
 Stayed 793,329 Overnights In Lodging
 $17 Million in Bar Sales
 Over 1 Million Library Visits
 Golfed 445,000 Rounds
 Spent over $3.5 Million at Golf Pro Shops on Base
 1,000 Junior Golfers participated in the Air Force Junior Golf Program
 Bowled 1.3 Million Games
 Have Over 9,200 Children in Child And Youth Programs
 Applauded 28 Professional Entertainment Tours = 358 Plus Shows

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