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Home > Fact Sheets > ENNY, James C (Lt. Colonel)


Posted 12/7/2009 Printable Fact Sheet

Call No.: K239.0512-310

IRIS No.: 00904252

IRIS Tape No.: 00904253

Accessibility: OPEN

Pages/Time: 22 pp/0:50

Class: U

Date/Location: 4 November 1969/Unknown

Interviewers: Captain Robert M. Snakenberg

Source: Project CORONA HARVEST Collection


(1962-1964) Oral history interview with Lt. Colonel James Enny, intelligence officer, 2d Air Division responsible for establishment of Seventh Air Force Target Intelligence Center under General Rockly Triantafellu. Topics include organization of center; targeting for armed reconnaissance program; target dossiers; 13th Reconnaissance Technical Squadron; command and control; targeting cycles: target development, strike, and reconnaissance; target nominations in Laos and lessons learned.

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