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Home > Fact Sheets > WESTMORELAND, William C. (General USA)


Posted 8/24/2009 Printable Fact Sheet

Call No.: K239.0512-233
IRIS No.: 00904121
IRIS Tape No.: 00904122
Accessibility: OPEN
Pages/Time: 15 pp/0:35
Class: U
Date/Location: June 1968/Anderson AFB, Guam
Interviewers: Not applicable
Source: Project CORONA HARVEST Collection
(1967-1968) Remarks during a farewell visit to 3rd Air Division at Guam, June 1968. Praises B-52 support of ground forces, says B-52 filled urgent need, recalls first B-52 strikes, says B-52 absolutely essential, ground forces might not have been able to operate outside enclaves otherwise because tactical air couldn't provide specific need for saturation bombing, lengthy discussion of Khe Sanh, says B-52s won battle, Operation Niagara and comment son overall war situation and casualties.

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