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Home > Fact Sheets > WEST, Charles B. (Major)


Posted 7/10/2009 Printable Fact Sheet

Call No.: K239.0512-225
IRIS No.: 01001215 C.1/01001216 C.1/01010717 C.2
IRIS Tape No.: 010000291-010000293 

Accessibility: OPEN
Pages/Time: 104pp/2:23 

Class: U 

Date/Location: 5 May 1970/unknown 

Interviewers: Lt. Col. Ray L. Bowers 

Source: Project CORONA HARVEST Collection

(1962-1965) Oral history interview with Major Charles B. West, deployment to Vietnam in early 1962 as aircraft commander, squadron standardization pilot, and flying safety officer with Mule Train; 1963 serves as Chief of 315th Troop Carrier Group, standardization-evaluation section, again flying C-123s out of Tan Son Nhut Air Base, Vietnam and in 1965 flies C-130s in Southeast Asia. Topics focus on problems of flying earlier C-123 operations; aircrew problems in daily activities are stressed, along with techniques developed to meet these difficulties. Discussion continues with early airlift operations in Southeast Asia: flight operations, support procedures, manning, command and control, early sortie allocation, crew quality, maintenance, support of paratroop operation, low-level aerial resupply, accidents, and night flare operations by C-123.

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