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2009 MUTCD, Original, December 2009

MUTCD 2009 Edition, Original, dated December 2009

This is not the most current version of the MUTCD.

The current version is the 2009 Edition with Revision Numbers 1 and 2 incorporated, dated May 2012.

The 2009 MUTCD dated December 2009 may be viewed in PDF format.

The 2009 MUTCD dated December 2009 may also be viewed in HTML format, which is accessible to individuals with disabilities, per Section 508 of the Rehabilitation Act. Disclaimer: While every effort has been made to assure consistency between the PDF and HTML files posted on the MUTCD Web site, it is possible that the HTML files may not be totally identical in content to the PDF files. The PDF files constitute the official version of the MUTCD and always take precedence over any potentially conflicting MUTCD text or figures that may occur in the HTML files.

Changes from the 2003 Edition

  • A document showing the changes in the MUTCD text from the 2003 Edition to the 2009 Edition, using strikeouts and underlining, is available in PDF (2.5MB) and HTML.
  • A document listing the changes in the MUTCD figures from the 2003 Edition to the 2009 Edition is available in PDF (99KB) and HTML.
  • A document listing the changes in the MUTCD tables from the 2003 Edition to the 2009 Edition is available in PDF (41KB) and HTML.
  • PowerPoint presentations on the major changes are available on this Web site at http://mutcd.fhwa.dot.gov/ser-Training.htm.

List of Known Errors in the 2009 Edition

NOTE: FHWA intends to correct these errors via a future rulemaking action. This list of known errors is provided solely for the information of MUTCD users and does not constitute changes to the MUTCD at this time.

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