
Department of Transportation
Research and Innovative Technology Administration
Bureau of Transportation Statistics

Charter for the Advisory Council On Transportation Statistics


  1. PURPOSE. This is the charter for the Advisory Council on Transportation Statistics (ACTS) as required by the Federal Advisory Committee Act (FACA) (P.L. 92-463).
  1. BACKGROUND AND FUNCTIONS. The Intermodal Surface Transportation Efficiency Act (ISTEA) of 1991 (P.L. 102-240), directed the Director of the Bureau of Transportation Statistics (BTS) to establish an advisory Council on Transportation Statistics. In 2005, the Safe, Accountable, Flexible, Efficient Transportation Equity Act: A Legacy for Users (SAFETEA-LU) codified the requirement for the ACTS in 49 U.S.C. Section 111 (See Section 5601 of SAFETEA-LU). The functions of the ACTS are to: 1) advise the Director on the quality, reliability, consistency, objectivity, and relevance of transportation statistics and analyses collected, supported, or disseminated by BTS and the Department; 2) provide input to and review the congressional report required by 49 U.S.C. Section 111(d)(4); and 3) advise the Director on methods to encourage cooperation and interoperability of transportation data collected by BTS, the operating administrations of the Department, States, local governments, metropolitan planning organizations, and private sector entities.
  1. DURATION. This is a continuing Council with no stated termination date.
  1. SPONSOR AND SUPPORT. BTS serves as the sponsor for the Council and the Council will report to the Administrator of the Research and Innovative Technology Administration (RITA) through the BTS’ Director. The Administrator shall designate the Designated Federal Officer (DFO) who will provide the necessary services in support of the Council. The DFO will request agency funds for the travel, subsistence and other operating costs of the Council.
  1. MEETINGS. The Council meets approximately two times a year. Special meetings may be called as necessary. A notice of each meeting shall be published in the Federal Register at least 15 calendar days prior to the meeting. All meetings are open to the public, unless the Designated Federal Officer closes the meeting in accordance with 41 CFR 102-3.155. Members of the public are invited to appear before or file statements with the Council. The DFO approves the calling of the meeting and the agendas in consultation with the BTS Director. The DFO or his/her designee must be present at each Council meeting and has the authority to adjourn a meeting whenever such action would be deemed to be in the public interest.
  1. MEMBERSHIP. The Council shall be composed of not fewer than 9 and not more than 11 representative and/or specials government employee members appointed by the Director and approved by the Administrator and the Secretary. Members may not be officers or employees of the United States. Each member shall have expertise in transportation data collection or analysis or application; except that 1 member shall have expertise in economics, 1 member shall have expertise in statistics, and 1 member shall have experience in transportation safety. At least 1 member shall be a senior official of a State department of transportation. Members shall include representation of a cross-section of transportation community stakeholders. New council members, those appointed to the Council after August 10, 2005, may serve a staggered 3-year term. New members may be re-nominated for 1 additional 3-year term. Current Council members, those members who are serving on the Council as of August 10, 2005, may serve to the end of their appoint terms.
  1. COUNCIL OFFICERS. The Chairperson is appointed by the Director. The Chairperson shall conduct each meeting in general accordance with Roberts’ Rules of Order, ensure adherence to the agenda, maintain order, and prepare any recommendation submitted to BTS. The DFO performs the duties of the Chairperson in his/her absence.
  1. SUBCOMMITTEE. The Chairperson may establish subcommittees from among the membership of the Council, with the approval of the DFO. The Subcommittees must comply with all regulations applicable to the Council.
  1. REPORTS. Minutes of each meeting shall be kept and maintained by the BTS Director. The minutes shall consist of the persons present and a complete and accurate record of all business before the Council. The Chairperson and the DFO will certify the accuracy of the meeting minutes. At the end of each calendar year, the DFO prepares a report summarizing all activities. This report is transmitted to the BTS Director, the RITA Administrator and the Secretary.
  1. ESTIMATED ANNUAL COSTS. The estimated annual operating costs of Council is $15,000 which includes travel and subsistence costs of the members, printing, mailing and any other related miscellaneous costs. Approximately three-tenths of a person year will be used to support the activities of the council.
  1. EFFECTIVE DATE. This Charter is effective September 26, 2006. Section 14 of FACA does not apply to this council as noted in Section 5601 of SAFETEA-LU, P.L. 109-59, August 10, 2005.


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