Privacy Multistakeholder Process: September 2012 Stakeholder-Organized Briefings

September 19, 2012

At the August 29, 2012 meeting, stakeholders voiced support for holding informational briefings regarding mobile application technology and existing work concerning mobile app privacy. In order to facilitate those briefings, NTIA has canceled the privacy multistakeholder meeting previously scheduled for September 19, 2012.  Stakeholders have organized four briefings; the briefings are scheduled for September 13, 2012, September 14, 2012, September 19, 2012, and September 28, 2012. Stakeholders should contact the relevant organizers for more information, or to suggest subjects or questions that might be covered at the briefings.

9/13/12 briefing (organized by the Future of Privacy Forum and World Privacy Forum)

Future of Privacy Forum & World Privacy Forum: Mobile App Ecosystem Webinar – Sept. 13th at 4pm EST (Archive)

Participants in the NTIA Multistakeholder Process working to create a code of conduct for App Transparency have expressed strong interest in holding technical briefings that would provide information about app data flows and business models.

To help provide a better understanding and transparency of the workings of the app ecosystem,  the Future of Privacy Forum and World Privacy Forum have arranged a briefing to provide the consumer advocacy, business and policy stakeholders with an overview of how and why apps access consumer data and how data may be used for both functional and commercial purposes.

Mobile App Ecosystem Briefing
Thursday, Sept 13th
4pm-5:45pm EST

Dial in and Webinar info will be available on the NTIA’s website and closer to the meeting as well as posted on the Future of Privacy Forum and the World Privacy Forum’s websites.


Pam Dixon, Executive Director, World Privacy Forum
Jules Polonetsky, Director and Co-Chair, Future of Privacy Forum
Nathan Good, PhD, Chief Scientist at Good Research
Ron Soffer, Independent App Developer, former app developer for WebMD
Adam Towvim & Matt Tengler, Jumptap, Mobile Ad Network

9/14/12 briefing (organized by the Association for Competitive Technology)

The Association for Competitive Technology will host an educational briefing at the MoDevTablet conference to introduce stakeholders to actual app makers and provide a first person perspective on how and why apps use data.  The conference in Rosslyn will provide an opportunity to see some of the newest innovations happening in the mobile space and meet the people behind them.  The details:


September 14, 3:00-4:00 p.m.


MoDevTablet Conference
The Artisphere in Roslyn
1101 Wilson Blvd.
Arlington, VA


Visit to register for the event.  Scroll down the page and click on "Enter Discount Code."  Use the NTIA100 code for free access to the 3-4pm briefing or NTIA50 to receive a 50% discount for access to the entire conference.  You can then register at your discounted rate for the MoDevTablet Conference.

9/19/12  and 9/28/12 briefings (organized by Venable LLP)

U.S. & Canada:    866.740.1260
Access Code: 3444613

Web Login

For technical support:
U.S. and Canada: 800.843.9166
International: 303.209.1600

In the interest of advancing the multi-stakeholder process convened by NTIA, industry representatives will offer technical briefings on the mobile app ecosystem.  All stakeholders are invited to attend.  If you plan to attend one or both briefings in person, please RSVP to

The first briefing will be held in place of the NTIA’s previously-scheduled meeting for September, from 10:30 AM until 1:30 PM EST on September 19, 2012.  The agenda is still being finalized, but presentations will focus on current business practices such as mobile device features and common mobile app data practices.

The second briefing will be from 1 PM until 4 PM EST on September 28, 2012.  This briefing will focus on existing self-regulatory frameworks and resources.

Both briefings will be held at the offices of Venable LLP, located at 575 7th Street NW in downtown Washington, DC.  A simultaneous webcast will be available to stakeholders who are not able to attend in person. 

If you have questions or are interested in presenting at a briefing, please contact Julia Tama at