diagram showing the role of testbeds
A graphical depiction of the role of testbeds as an interface between R&D (the foundation of the pyramid) and operations, as represented operational GPRA measures. From the bottom up, we have S&T performance measures, the transitional demonstration (or stretch) measures, and formal GPRA metrics.

Meeting NOAA's Requirements


HMT seeks to conduct research and development that will ultimately improve and enhance NOAA's water resource science, products, and services. In this page we highlight various requirements and drivers that are addressed by HMT.

NOAA's Mission

NOAA's mission is...

"To understand and predict changes in the Earth's environment and conserve and manage coastal and marine resources to meet our nation's economic, social, and environmental needs."

The NOAA Mission Goal (2010) that is addressed most directly by HMT is...

"Serve Society's Needs for Weather and Water Information" (Weather and Water)

Weather and Water Performance Objectives

The Weather and Water formal performance objectives that are addressed most directly by HMT are

  • Increase development, application, and transition of advanced science and technology to operations and services
  • Increase lead-time and accuracy for weather and water warnings and forecasts
  • Improve predictability of the onset, duration, and impact of hazardous and severe weather and water events

Additional Weather and Water formal performance objectives addressed by HMT are:

  • Reduce uncertainty associated with weather and water decision tools and assessments
  • Increase application and accessibility of weather and water information as the foundation for creating and leveraging public (i.e., federal, state, local, tribal), private and academic partnerships
  • Increase coordination of weather and water information and services with integration of local, regional, and global observation systems
  • Enhance environmental literacy and improve understanding, value and use of weather and water information services

Weather and Water Research Areas within NOAA's Five-Year Research Plan FY2008–FY2012

  • Improve weather forecast and warning accuracy and amount of lead-time
  • Improve water resources forecasting capabilities
  • Improve NOAA's understanding and forecast capability in coasts, estuaries, and oceans

NOAA Mission Requirements/Program Objectives Addressed by HMT (from Program Charters)

Mission requirements related to the Integrated Water Forecasting (IWF) Program:

  • NOAA's Role: Provide accurate and reliable water forecasts (where, when, and how much), including: recipitation; flash flood; river flood; estuarine water level and storm surge

Program objectives for IWF (from NEC decisional briefing December 2008) addressed by HMT:

  • Advance and integrate observing systems for water resources
  • Reduce 1-7 day river forecast errors by 50% and quantify uncertainty
  • Provide seamless suite of summit-to-sea high resolution water quantity and quality forecasts
  • Provide flood inundation forecast maps for 100% of high-impact river and coastal communities
  • Couple modeling systems for rivers, lakes and estuaries

Mission requirements related to the Weather and Water Science, Technology & Infusion Program:

  • Advance NOAA mission-oriented scientific understanding
  • Advance NOAA mission oriented technology development
  • Infuse new science and technology into NOAA forecast operations


For more details, see Section 1.1 of the HMT Implementation Plan.