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Official website of the Department of Homeland Security

Screening for Passengers 75 and Older

Risk-Based Security

75 and Older Checkpoint SignPassengers 75 and older receive modified screening procedures as part of TSA's overarching risk-based security methodology. These procedures are similar to screening procedures for passengers 12 and under and improve screening by better focusing resources on passengers who may be more likely to pose a risk. 

Passengers 75 and older can:

  • Leave on shoes and light jackets through security checkpoints.
  • Undergo an additional pass through Advanced Imaging Technology (AIT) to clear any anomalies detected during screening.

An expanded use of explosives trace detection technology is also deployed on a wider basis to resolve alarms. Travelers may be required to remove their shoes or undergo a pat-down if anomalies are detected during security screening that cannot be resolved through other means.

Frequently Asked Questions

Q. How are individuals who are 75 and older identified at the checkpoint?
A. Transportation Security Officers make a visual assessment to determine passengers who are 75 or older and inform them of changes to the screening procedures. These procedures are similar to providing modified screening procedures for passengers 12 and under.

Q. Does TSA perform pat-downs on passengers 75 and older?
A. Modified procedures reduce – though not eliminate – the need for a physical pat-down for travelers 75 and older. Passengers 75 and older could still undergo a pat-down and be asked to remove their shoes if anomalies are detected during security screening that cannot be resolved through other means.

Q. Do individuals 75 and older still go through imaging technologies?
A. Advanced Imaging Technology (AIT) remains a screening option for all passengers able to assume and hold the AIT stance for five seconds. Imaging technology remains optional for all passengers. Senior passengers 75 and older are permitted an additional pass through AIT to clear any anomalies.

Q. What happens if the passenger’s shoes alarm?
A. Passengers 75 or older whose shoes alarm during screening will be advised to take their shoes off during the next security screening pass. All alarms must be resolved.

Q. Are travel companions for individuals 75 and older eligible for modified screening procedures?
A. Only travelers who meet the age requirement of 75 and older are eligible for these modified screening procedures. Passengers 12 and under are also permitted to leave their shoes on during screening.

Q. Have procedures for passengers 75 and older who use wheelchairs changed as well?
A. Passengers 75 and older who are unable to stand for screening will receive a comparable level of screening, including explosives trace detection. Travelers may call TSA Cares toll free at 1-855-787-2227 with questions about screening policies and procedures as well as what to expect at the security checkpoint. When a passenger with a disability or medical condition calls TSA Cares, a representative will provide assistance either with information about screening that is relevant to the passenger’s specific disability or medical condition or the passenger may be referred to disability experts at TSA. 

Q. Has the screening of medical devices changed for passengers who are 75 and older?
A. Screening procedures for passengers 75 and older with medical devices have not changed. These passengers will be provided an additional pass through Advanced Imaging Technology to resolve anomalies.Travelers may call TSA Cares toll free at 1-855-787-2227 with questions about screening policies and procedures as well as what to expect at the security checkpoint. When a passenger with a disability or medical condition calls TSA Cares, a representative will provide assistance either with information about screening that is relevant to the passenger’s specific disability or medical condition or the passenger may be referred to disability experts at TSA. 

Latest revision: 01 February 2013