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Systems Engineering Working Groups
GOES-R Integration, Verification, and Validation Working Group (GIVVWG):

GIVVWG is responsible for planning, integration, oversight, and/or evaluation of the overall GOES-R Program integration, verification, and validation (V&V)-related activities, focusing on those issues that are Program-related or span both the Flight and Ground Segment Projects. The GIVVWG is a senior-level body created to ensure integration, verification, and validation activities at the Project level adequately span the full Program.
GOES-R Calibration Working Group (CWG)

The GOES-R CWG duties revolve around calibration-related GOES-R instrument and data processing segment development, implementation, and long-term performance maintenance, which are tasks related to assuring level 1b measurement quality. GOES-R instrument spatial, spectral, and L1b measurement calibration activities span across the GOES-R Program, and Flight and Ground Projects. These calibration activities are conducted through all phases of the GOES-R mission using proven pre- and post-launch calibration methods. Critical to the success of these activities is a supporting workforce with diverse technical and management skills, which is the capacity of the CWG.

image:  Solar X-Ray Imager testing in the X-Ray Calibration Facility (XRCF) - photo courtesy of NASA Marshall Space Flight Center

Solar X-Ray Imager Testing in the X-Ray Calibration Facility (XRCF) – Photo Courtesy of NASA Marshall Space Flight Center

Guidance and recommendations to NOAA/NASA via PSE in generating calibration-related performance requirements and evaluating waivers of these requirements
Technical oversight of (and participation in) the development of the calibration system by sensor and ground system vendors
Technical oversight of (and participation in) pre-launch testing of the calibration system by sensor and ground system vendors
Development of a comprehensive GOES-R Cal/Val Plan for Level 1b data
Strong partner in on-orbit verification of spectral, spatial, and L1b measurement validation and assessment to ensure that the user needs for data quality are met and that instruments are within specifications
Leadership of long-term characterization of on-orbit spectral, spatial, and L1b measurement performance
Critical partner in calibration anomaly resolution

For more information about CWG, click here.
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