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Provides information about electronic mailing lists that discuss issues related to invasive species. See other sections for species specific information and for pest management:

Disclaimer: Information posted on these lists do not reflect the views or policies of the U.S. Department of Agriculture.


APHIS-PPQ Stakeholders Registry
The new and improved PPQ Stakeholder Registry (USDA, Animal and Plant Health Inspection Service, Plant Protection and Quarantine) will allow you to receive emails and/or text messages about topics that interest you, such as PPQ News Alerts, publication changes, and program information. As we network our subscriber services together, you can also link to topics from our partner federal agencies.

Caribbean Pest Information Network.
CariPestNet is an email network that assists people of the Caribbean sub-region in obtaining prompt advice and information on the identification and management of plant pests (Arthropods, micro-organisms, nematodes, molluscs & weeds). In so doing the network links the sub-region with Taxonomists and Plant Protection specialists world wide. The services provided are free to members of the network.

Global Invasive Species Team Listserv
Archive from the Nature Conservancy, Global Invasive Species Team. Listserv no longer active.

Hawaiian Ecosystems at Risk (HEAR) Project - HEAR sponsored mailing lists and Non-HEAR sponsored internet lists

IABIN Invasives Information Network - I3NLIST
An Invasive Species Information Network for the Americas. This listserv is intended to serve anyone interested in participating in the IABIN Invasives Information Network (I3N). I3N will be composed of interoperable invasive species information nodes using common standards, forming a network that supports the work of the invasive species community in the Americas. IABIN (the Inter-American Biodiversity Information Network) is an initiative of the Summit of the Americas that promotes compatible means of collection, communication, and exchange of information relevant to decision-making and education on biodiversity conservation.

IUCN Invasive Species Specialist Group - Aliens-L (scroll to Networking)
Aliens-L is dedicated to alien invasive species, with a focus on those that threaten biodiversity. It allows users to freely seek and share information on alien invasive species and related issues. Participation from all who are interested in the invasive species problem is welcome.

To subscribe send a message to Aliens-L-join@indaba.iucn.org with the command, subscribe Aliens-l, in the message body (not subject line).

Invasive Species in Rhode Island: Science, News & Events
The RIINVASIVES list works to foster communication and discussion among people interested in invasive species.

The list is maintained at the University of Rhode Island and is managed by Lisa Gould (invasives@rinhs.org) for the Rhode Island Invasive Species Council, an outreach activity of the Rhode Island Natural History Survey and the Rhode Island Agricultural Experiment Station/Cooperative Extension, within the URI College of the Environment & Life Sciences (CELS).

Invasive Species Threats in the Caribbean
Engage in a regional initiative, supported by The Nature Conservancy and implemented by CAB International, which seeks to review invasive species issues across the islands of the Caribbean.

NatureServ - The Invasives Discussion List
The Invasives Discussion List exists to promote communication among people working with invasive species of any kingdom within natural heritage member programs, conservation data centers (CDCs), and NatureServe. Discussion is focused on issues related to policy and strategy, methodology, coordination, collaboration, Invasive Species Impact Ranking (I-Ranking), status (classification/distribution), impacts and other cross-cutting issues of general interest to those working on non-native species within NatureServe, our member programs and our partners.

Nebraska Invasives Species Project Listserv
This monthly newsletter will include updates on events going on throughout the state and news in invasive species management and control.

To subscribe, send an e-mail message to: LISTSERV@UNL.EDU

National Invasive Species Information Center

Pollinator - North American Pollinator Campaign
Participants from the NAPPC conferences are included in this group, as well as other pollinator-focused agencies and individuals.

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Pest Management

Membership to 'PestNet' is free and open to people both in and outside the Pacific and Southeast Asia who belong to government research and extension services, scientific organisations, academic institutions, universities and schools, and the private sector. In fact, it is open to anyone who: (1) has an interest in, (2) has a question concerning, (3) wants to share information on, or (4) has an announcement to make on issues which are relevant to plant protection and quarantine in the region.

Pest Alert List Server - University of Florida
This list is open for membership to any person with an interest in the insect, mite, nematode or plant disease problems that occur in Florida.

To subscribe: Send an e-mail to: listserv@lists.ufl.edu.
Leave the subject line blank and in the text of the message type: subscribe PestAlert-L your name

PESTCON - University of Iowa
Listserv to discuss IPM (Integrated Pest Management). The list is owned by Dave Jackson at the University of Iowa.

To subscribe to PESTCON, send e-mail to PESTCON@UIOWA.EDU, with subscription request in the subject line and body text of subscribe PESTCON Jane Doe where Jane Doe is the real name of the subscriber.

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Last Modified: Aug 27, 2012
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