USGS - science for a changing world

Toxic Substances Hydrology Program

Research Projects

Herbicides and other Agricultural Chemicals -- Midwest Cornbelt

Analyzing water samples for herbicide concentrations using an immunoassay test.
Analyzing water samples for herbicide concentrations using an immunoassay test. Immunoassay tests are an economical way of screening a large number of samples for pesticides.

Project Homepage
[maintained by project researchers]
Project Bibliography
259 Publications
Project Photo Gallery

The occurrence, transport, and fate of agricultural chemicals is being studied in a 12-State area in the upper Midwest. Scientists are identifying factors that affect dispersal of these chemicals in surface and ground waters from point of application and are evaluating the resulting effects in small streams and large rivers, at reservoir outfalls, in shallow ground water, and in precipitation. The goal is to provide the general scientific basis needed to develop agricultural management practices that protect the quality of the region's water resources.

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More Information

  • Agricultural Chemicals in the Midwest Project Home Page, The Agricultural Chemicals in the Midwest Project maintains its own home page that contains additional information
  • Project Bibliography
  • Project Photo Gallery
  • For additional information about the Agricultural Chemicals in the Upper Midwest project please send e-mail to Bill Battaglin at

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