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April 1, 2008 FGDC Coordination Group Meeting Minutes


Summary of Actions:

Action 1: The Coordination Group unanimously voted to forward the Framework Data Standard to the FGDC Steering Committee for consideration of endorsement at the May 1 meeting.

Action 2: BLM (Bob Dahl) to provide comments in writing to Julie Binder Maitra on the BLM Standards endorsement process.

Action 3: Larry Sugarbaker will supply feedback on the tools repository.

Action 4: Suggest that there be a central point of contact for Circular A-16 within the FGDC Secretariat.

Action 5:  EPA, NOAA to forward grants and contracts language to Lew Sanford and the Grants and Contract Work Group.

Welcome and Introductions – Ivan DeLoatch, FGDC

FGDC Staff Director Ivan DeLoatch welcomed the Coordination Group, provided an overview of the meeting and took roll call. The FGDC Executive Committee will meet for the first time on April 11. The Executive Committee will draft a charter and will initially be looking at issues involving Imagery for the Nation. Most of the meeting will be devoted to understanding IFTN. An Executive Committee pre-brief and planning meeting will take place on April 2 between Jim Cason, Ivan DeLoatch and Karen Siderelis. 

The National Geospatial Advisory Committee will have their first two day meetings on April 15 -16 at the Department of the Interior and the American Institute of Architects (AIA) boardroom in Washington D.C. When possible, subsequent NGAC meetings will be held one day prior to the FGDC Steering Committee meetings to encourage interaction between the two groups. The public is invited to comment during the April 16th meeting.
The next Steering Committee meeting will be held on May 1 at AIA.

Action Items from the last CG meeting – Pat Phillips, FGDC


Framework Data Standard – Julie Binder Maitra, FGDC


Julie provided an overview of the Framework Data Standard, a brief history of the standard and why the standards are vetted through the FGDC endorsement process.   
 Framework data theme covers all seven theme layers, elevation, cadastral, hydrography, government units, orthoimagery, geodetic control and transportation. The transportation is then divided again into waterways, transit, roads, rail and air. The air layer has not yet been complete.

The Framework Data Standard is being endorsed by FGDC to make it freely available and without access or usage constraints that the ANSI copyright holds.

Q. The Framework Data document was submitted to INCITS, were there significant changes between ANSI and the FGDC standard?
A. Both versions are the same except for stripping out the ANSI copyright.

Q. If ANSI approves a standard, then FGDC endorses that?
A. No, it is done the other way around, the FGDC endorsement is first, then ANSI endorsement.

Statement:  Ivan thanks everyone for expediting this process. We had been pursuing this since 2002. This has been vetted extensively!
Statement: NIST chairs standards processes and NIST recognizes all FGDC standards.

Q. Do address standards exist?
A. Yes, Census is producing address standards. Randy Fusaro will provide the WIKI address.

Statement: FIPS codes are not ANSI endorsed. They should be recognized. NIST dropped FIPS codes.

Action 1: The Coordination Group unanimously voted to forward the Framework Data Standard to the FGDC Steering Committee for consideration of endorsement at the May 1 meeting.

Statement: BLM has a standards endorsement process in where new content data do not have to be crosswalked.

Action 2: BLM (Bob Dahl) to provide comments in writing to Julie Binder Maitra on the BLM Standards endorsement process.

The National Map Customer Research - Larry Sugarbaker, USGS


Larry provided an overview of The National Map customer research. The objective of the research is to:

  • Improve collective understanding and knowledge of customer needs for base map data and related information services.
  • Receive feedback on topographic map prototype products.
  • Develop recommendations for improving marketing, product branding and customer services.

Nothing about the customer research will change the vision of TNM. The research will help frame the direction of TNM 3-5 year plan.

The primary needs of TNM comes from its from customers base, collecting customer requirements and taking advantage of partner data.

The Customer interview process was kicked off at the ESRI Federal Users Conference in February in Washington D.C. The objective is to have 200 interviews. One set of questions asks clients to comment on the 7.5 minute topographic quads and other products.

The Business case for improving TNM will be complete in October 2008.

Q. Do we have the appropriate A-16 themes? The FCC licenses structures, and is interested in finding who owns the county boundaries in oceans, they are not published data.
A. We too are interested in finding the right source for boundaries in the oceans.

Statement: Bob Pierce has done an excellent job in linking 35 themes.  18 of the themes are managed by the Department of the Interior.

Statement: The BLM Public Land Survey System boundaries data are not developed by aerial photography or remote sensing. We continue to believe that TNM will have integration abilities because it is geographic concentric and it is built into TNM.

Statement: The Minerals Management Service is a leader or co-leader in 5 A-16 themes. The Marine Boundary Work group is working on the off-shore cadastral theme.

Action 3: Larry Sugarbaker will supply feedback on the tools repository.

National Geospatial Advisory Committee update, John Mahoney, USGS


John gave the current status on the upcoming meeting for the National Geospatial Advisory Committee. The first meeting on April 15, Jim Cason, Anne Hale Miglarese and Steve Wallach will provide opening remarks and there will be some administrative tasks to go over and a presentation on FACA rules. There will be a NGAC roundtable where the members themselves will give presentations. During the second day, there will be an opportunity for the public to comment. Anyone wanting to make comments must sign-up at the registration table outside the Boardroom. Comments should be kept between 3-5 minutes. If time does not allow for all comments then those will be submitted in writing. All comments will be made part of the public record and will be electronically distributed to the Committee members.   
The NGAC potential study issues are organized into Structural/Foundation Issues:

  • OMB Circular A -16
  • Investment strategy
  • National Spatial Data Infrastructure
  • Standards/ Inoperability
  • Other topics

 And potential Programmatic Issues:

  • Imagery for the Nation
  • The National Map
  • National Land Parcel Data
  • Climate Change
  • revitalizing the role of the U.S. national mapping function

Statement: Jim Cason would like to hone the topics down to what the committee can work on this year, plus, longer term issues. We have 7 months left in the year. The turn over in leadership does not preclude us from doing work now.

Statement: We have to be realistic and 2 or 3 issue this year would be realistic. All of the issues are good, we are trying to be diligent on the ones we choose, and much planning has gone into this to ensure we have the NGAC participation.

Statement: The AIA Boardroom holds approximately 140-150 people. There is a concern there may not be enough seating since the meeting is open to the public. It is suggested that only one Coordination Group member per agency plan to attend due to space limitations. Anyone can provide comments to the Committee at anytime. The website is

Q. The role of the NGAC, what is different about it?
A. This is an advisory group that serves a different role than a science group.

Geospatial LoB Update – John Mahoney, USGS


All of the work groups are in various stages of maturity.

Joint Business Case Work Group– Roxanne Lamb
Major Tasks

  • Revisions /updates to Exhibit 300, increase OMB scores to at least 31
  • Earned Value Management Reporting

Comment: There will not be an OMB pass back this year. There will be very little change in FY09. JBC will still be scored.

Lifecycle Management Work Group – Wendy Blake Coleman, EPA
Major Tasks

  • Evaluate existing geospatial data lifecycle; develop common standards terminology and processes for the stages of the data lifecycle; establish data steward responsibilities and performance measures associated with the phases of the lifecycle. Identify common capabilities to allow cost- beniffit ROI for shared services associated with each lifecycle phase.
  • Review component themes of A-16 and reconcile with user needs.

The Theme Team is led by Zeke Lee and David LaBranche and they are working on how to add or subtract themes.
One of the next steps is to provide theme and dataset definitions for FGDC review.
We are involving into a world of service. What are the processes for deleting and adding items from A-16?  We want to make the A-16 theme definitions operational and vet it through the Coordination Group.

Comment: Did your work group look at more near time fixes as opposed to complete reengineering?

Action 4: Suggest that there be a central point of contact for Circular A-16 within the FGDC Secretariat.

Performance Management Work Group – John Mahoney, USGS
Major Tasks

  • Transition LoB TF to FGDC Coordination Group
  • Review and revise FGDC organization to align with LoB objectives
  • Complete LoB Performance Management Plan
  • Review OMB Circular A-16 to identify desired near-term and longer-term changes, particularly with respect to data themes and theme leads; secure FGDC Steering Committee and OMB approval of changes
  • Develop and submit GEO Lob Strategic Plan to OMB per passback guidance
  • Align FY09 FGDC Cap grant solicitation with JBC and Program Management Plan objectives and guidance documents

We plan to raise the issue of revision of the Charters at the May 1 Steering Committee meeting and have them completed by October.

Statement: Ivan suggests that the revisions get codified by June at the latest.

Common Services Work Group - Matt Leopard, EPA

Major Tasks

  • Expand smart-buy (and alternatives) efforts for geospatial data and technologies
  • Implement MOUs/SLAs/ELAs for common geospatial services

Statement: Ivan thanks Matt for accelerating this work and taking significant steps forward. This work group can serve as a model for others.
We want to promote certain services through this type of group by getting everyone together to discuss.
Q. We would like to get feed back on tools that can be registered on our site. Have you had any initial feedback yet? And are you including independent agencies? When will the tool registry begin?
Q. Are we just piloting this registry now?

Grant and Contacts Work Group, - Lew Sanford, DOJ
Major Tasks

  • Develop and Implement common grants language for geospatial information and services
  • Develop and implement geospatial requirements language for Federal Contract (FAR, DFAR)

Q. How will this work apply in accountability?
A. It is higher level guidance. We are staying in touch with OMB on this. We are working with Rob Dollison and GOS so that contracting officers can check the   standards from GOS.

Q. Have we come to a consensus on language?
A. There is a draft language but folks want to soften it.

Action 4: EPA, NOAA to forward grants and contracts language to Lew Sanford and the Grants and Contract Work Group.

Announcements/ Discussion/ Wrap Up
The Census Bureau announces that TIGER/Line Shapefiles are now available for download at the following URL:

Last Updated: Apr 14, 2008 04:40 PM
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