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List of Foreign Margin Stocks

The Board publishes the List of Foreign Margin Stocks semiannually. Each new list supersedes all previously published lists of foreign margin stocks.

The List of Foreign Margin Stocks consists of foreign equity securities that have met the eligibility criteria of the Board of Governors of the Federal Reserve System under its Regulation T and are thus eligible for margin treatment at brokers and dealers on the same basis as domestic margin securities. Additional foreign equity securities are also eligible for margin treatment (see About).

Any inquiry relating to the List of Foreign Margin Stocks or to Regulation T should be addressed to the nearest Federal Reserve Bank.

It is unlawful for any person to cause any representation to be made that inclusion of a security on the List of Foreign Margin Stocks indicates that the Board or the Securities and Exchange Commission has in any way approved such security or transaction therein. Also, any reference to the Board in connection with the List of Foreign Margin Stocks or any securities thereon in an advertisement or similar communication is unlawful.

March 3, 2004, press release | September 15, 2003, list | About