CMIP5 Coupled Model Intercomparison Project
WCRP    World Climate Research Programme

IPCC/CMIP5 AR5 Timetable

The general AR5 timetable


Completion dates (source: Renate Christ, Nov 2009, pdf):

  • Working Group I: Mid September 2013
  • Working Group II: Mid March 2014
  • Working Group III: Early April 2014
  • Synthesis Report: September 2014


CMIP5 and WG1 milestones and schedule


Sources of timeline information: the IPCC WG1 website, with additional information obtained through personal communications with Thomas Stocker (WG1 Co-Chair) and Jerry Meehl (WGCM Co-Chair):



• Preliminary set of CMIP5 experiments discussed (WGCM meeting).



• Community-wide consensus reached on the complete, prioritized list of CMIP5 experiments.



• List of requested model output developed.
• September: WGCM endorses final set of CMIP5 experiments



• Modeling groups begin production runs and produce CMIP5 output.
• May: ESG software, which will serve model output, is released.
• November 8-11: First Lead Authors Meeting (LA1), Kunming, China
      - preprints, papers submitted, accepted, in press, and published are all eligible for consideration



• February: First model output expected to be available for analysis.
• July 18-22: Second Lead Authors Meeting (LA2)
• October 24-28: WCRP Open Science Conference will include a CMIP5 session (Denver, Colorado)
• December 16 – February 10, 2012: Expert Review of the First Order Draft (FOD)



• Early in year: CMIP5 Workshop
• April 16-20, 2012: Third Lead Authors Meeting (LA3)
• July 31, 2012: By this date papers must be submitted for publication to be eligible for assessment by WG1.
• October 5 – November 30: Expert and Government Review of the Second Order Draft (SOD)



• January 14-19: Fourth Lead Authors Meeting (LA4)
• March 15: By this date papers cited by WG1 must be published or accepted (with proof, for example, by a letter of confirmation from the editor)
• June 7 – August 2: Final Government Distribution of the WGI AR5 Summary for Policymakers (SPM)
• September 13-14: Preparatory Meeting of WGI AR5 SPM/TS Writing Team and Convening Lead Authors
• September 16-19: WGI AR5 SPM Approval Plenary


Cut-Off dates for literarure to be considered for AR5

ar5 cut-off dates


For most recent table see

Future timeline information can be found on IPCC WG1 website.