U.S. Congressman Dan Webster | 8th District of Florida


Webster Voluntarily Cuts Office Budget; Returns $360,000 to Taxpayers
January 29, 2013  - Winter Garden, Jan. 29 - For the second consecutive year, U.S. Representative Daniel Webster (FL-10) announced that savings from his office budget will be returned to taxpayers for the purpose of reducing our deficit and debt. Upon his announcement that he was able to cut his office budget by more t... More

Webster Secures Important Roles on Transportation Committee for Jobs and Economic Development in Central Florida
January 24, 2013  - U.S. Representative Webster (FL-10) issued the following statement upon the announcement that he had been assigned to the Transportation and Infrastructure Committee’s Subcommittees on Railroads, Pipelines, and Hazardous Materials; Aviation; and Water Resources and Environment: “I am eager to get to... More

Webster Reins in Job-Killing Regulations
January 24, 2013  - U.S. Representative Daniel Webster FL-10 today joined colleagues in introducing the REINS Act (H.R. 367), which is designed to keep job-killing regulations from going into effect without Congressional approval. Regulations that cost our economy $100 million or more would have to be approved through ... More

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