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Electrochemical Analysis and Diagnostics Laboratory

Panagiotis Prezas

Argonne researcher Panagiotis Prezas prepares lithium-ion cells for evaluation. At the EADL, researchers can test everything from a quarter-sized coin cell to an 800-kilogram automotive battery pack.


The Electrochemical Analysis and Diagnostics Laboratory (EADL) provides battery and fuel cell developers with reliable, independent, and unbiased performance evaluations of their cells, modules, and battery packs.

These evaluations have been performed for the U.S. Department of Energy (DOE), government and industry consortia, and industrial developers to provide insight into the factors that limit the performance and life of advanced battery systems. Such evaluations help battery developers and DOE evaluate technical progress, and aid DOE in R&D decision-making.

One-of-a-kind Facility

The EADL is an extensive facility designed to test large numbers of both small and large batteries and fuel cells designed within and outside of Argonne National Laboratory. It is now the only known facility with capabilities to conduct 120 concurrent advanced battery studies under operating conditions that simulate electric-vehicle (EV), electric-hybrid vehicle (HEV), utility load-leveling, and standby/uninterruptible power source applications. Each battery is independently defined, controlled and monitored to impose charging regimes and discharge load profiles that simulate the types of dynamic operating conditions found during actual use.

Fuel Cell Testing

The Fuel Cell Test Facility (FCTF) is part of the EADL and builds on our experience in battery testing. The FCTF was established at Argonne to provide independent, standardized testing of all types of fuel cells for the DOE as well as for fuel cell developers. The FCTF has been specifically designed to automotive power criteria. It is equipped to test fuel cell stacks and systems up to ~100 kW, the size needed for large passenger cars, using hydrogen, simulated reformate or gasoline as the primary source of chemical energy. The test profiles can be designed to emulate any of the standardized driving schedules as well as any other power versus time tests desired by the developer or the end user.

The EADL was established by DOE’s Office of Energy Efficiency and Renewable Energy, FreedomCAR and Vehicle Technologies Program and Hydrogen, Fuel Cells and Infrastructure Technologies Program.


March 2012


Ira Bloom

U.S. Department of Energy Office of Science | UChicago Argonne LLC
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