Measurement : Convection

Vertical motion within the atmosphere due to thermal instability, with important impacts on the type cloud systems that can develop.

Atmospheric State


The above measurement is considered scientifically relevant for the following instruments. Refer to the datastream (netcdf) file headers of each instrument for a list of all available measurements, including those recorded for diagnostic or quality assurance purposes.

  • ARM Instruments
    • MWRP : Microwave Radiometer Profiler
  • External Instruments
    • ETA : Eta Model Runs
    • RUC : Rapid Update Cycle Model Data
  • Field Campaign Instruments
    • ETA : Eta Model Runs
    • MWRP : Microwave Radiometer Profiler


  • RUC : Rapid Update Cycle Model Data Datastreams
    • ALLRUC20HYBR : Rapid Update Cycle (RUC) model: hybrid analysis data, 20-km resolution
    • ALLRUC40HYBR : Rapid Update Cycle (RUC) model: hybrid analyisis data, 40 km resolution
    • RUC20HYBR : Rapid Update Cycle (RUC) model: daily hybrid analysis data, 20 km resolution
    • RUC20ISOB : Rapid Update Cycle (RUC) model: daily isobaric analysis data, 20 km resolution
    • ALLRUC20ISOB : Rapid Update Cycle (RUC) model: isobaric main analysis data, 20-km resolution
    • ALLRUC40ISOB : Rapid Update Cycle (RUC) model: isobaric main analysis data, 40-km resolution
    • SYNRUC20ISOB : Rapid Update Cycle (RUC) model: isobaric output, 20 km grid, averaged to 40 km
  • MWRP : Microwave Radiometer Profiler Datastreams
    • MWRP : Microwave Radiometer data (MWR Profiles - QME), water vapor, temp, cloud liquid water, precip water retrievals