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CSB Directory

U.S. Chemical Safety and Hazard Investigation Board

2175 K. Street, NW, Suite 400, Washington, DC 20037-1809
Phone: (202) 261-7600  |  Fax: (202) 261-7650
Email: info@csb.gov Media inquiries, contact Hillary Cohen at (202) 261-3601 office or (202) 446-8094 celll

To quick contact the Chemical Safety Board via email, click here.


Rafael Moure-Eraso, Ph.D. - Chairperson 
Mark Griffon - Member
Beth J. Rosenberg, ScD, MPH - Member

Daniel M. Horowitz, Ph.D. - Managing Director 
Christopher Warner -  Senior Counselor                                          

Office of Congressional, Public, and Board Affairs
Hillary Cohen - Communications Manager

Office of Administration

John Lau - Deputy Managing Director
Anna Brown - Director of Administration 
Allen Smith - CIO
Charlie Bryant - IT Director
Ron LaRoche - Deputy IT Director
Amy McCormick - Contracting Officer 
Adonis Hymes - Administrative Assistant
Bea Robinson - Finance Director
Dai Nguyen - Financial Specialist  

Office of Equal Employment Opportunity

Amanda Johnson, Esq. - Director

Office of Investigations

Washington, DC Office of Investigations

Johnnie Banks, CFEI - Team Lead 

Lucy Sciallo-Tyler - Investigator
Samuel Oyewole, Ph.D. - Investigator 
Reepa Shroff - Investigator 
Rachael Gunaratnam - Investigator

Western Regional Office of Investigations

Donald Holmstrom, J.D. - Director
Dan Tillema, PE, CFEI - Team Lead 
Cheryl MacKenzie - Team Lead
Chris Lyon - Attorney/Advisor
Jerad Denton - Attorney/Advisor
Bill Hoyle - Senior Investigator
Steve Cutchen - Investigator 
Roger Evans - Investigator 
Amanda Johnson, Esq. - Investigator
Mary Beth Mulcahy, Ph.D. - Investigator
Kelly Wilson, CFEI - Investigator
Lauren Grim, CFEI - Investigator  
Mark Wingard, CFEI - Investigator
Jenna Fakhoury - Administrative Assistant     
Office of Incident Screening and Selection

Vidisha Parasram, MPH, CFEI - Director
Maria Mazzocchi, CFEI - Incident Screener

Office of Recommendations

Manuel Gomez, Dr.P.H., CIH - Director
Mark Kaszniak, CFEI, CFII, CPEA - Investigator
Christina Morgan, MPH - Recommendations Specialist

Office of General Counsel

Richard C. Loeb - General Counsel 
Ray Porfiri - Deputy General Counsel 
Christopher Kirkpatrick - Attorney-Advisor
Kara Wenzel Kane - Attorney-Advisor


U.S. Chemical Safety and Hazard Investigation Board
2175 K Street NW   |   Washington, DC 20037
Website design and development by americaneagle.com