Posts of type: Need To Know

Feb 14, 2013

Safe drinking water.

This week, I introduced a bill that seeks to ensure the public availability of safe and affordable drinking water in rural communities. Approximately 1,000 Mississippi communities receive water from rural water associations or small municipalities.

Feb 10, 2013

My legislative goals

So far this Congress, I have introduced bills to undo a federal health policy that jeopardizes seniors’ access to pain medications, eliminate unutilized and ineffective elections programs, redesign transition supports for the disabled, and relieve businesses and consumers from an unattainable federal energy mandate.

Jan 23, 2013


Passing a budget is not only a fundamental duty of governing, it is a constitutionally-mandated responsibility. Even so, the Senate has not written a budget since 2009 as the Democratic majority leader has attempted to guard his members from taking tough votes.

Jan 10, 2013

Re: Second Amendment rights

I firmly believe that law-abiding American citizens have the right to own firearms. But not only does the Obama administration seem to disagree with this view, they have now dispatched their campaign organization to rally the public behind new regulations on guns.

Jan 4, 2013

What to expect

Yesterday, I took the Oath of Office to serve my third, two-year House term when new and returning members were officially sworn in for the 113th Congress. Sidney and I are so humbled by the trust that our friends and neighbors have placed in our family to represent their conservative values.

Dec 6, 2012


This debate is not about winning a public relations campaign. This is about enacting the best policies. But it’s nearly impossible for lawmakers to have an honest conversation with a White House that contradicts its own ideas on how to move our country forward.

Nov 30, 2012

I've got your back.

Let’s be clear: Congress must significantly cut federal spending. Any balanced approach to strengthen the nation’s fiscal health must also reform the greatest drivers of debt – such as Medicare, Medicaid and Social Security – while protecting the solvency of these health and retirement programs that benefit seniors and are critical for lower-income families.

Nov 22, 2012


The longstanding tradition of celebrating Thanksgiving dates back to harvest festivals during our nation’s infancy. For our family, this annual holiday is a time to rejoice, rejuvenate and remember our guiding principle as one nation united under God’s direction.

Nov 16, 2012

Lame Duck

Federal lawmakers returned to Washington Tuesday to attend to a full docket of pending year-end business. Following House Republican’s organizational meetings, party leaders from both ends of the U.S. Capitol will close the week with a White House meeting today regarding our government’s financial outlook.

Nov 5, 2012


Questions surrounding security inadequacies that led to the tragic deaths of four American officials in Benghazi continue to raise concerns regarding the Obama administration’s handling of the terrorist attack.
