The California National Guard - Always Ready, Always There
Ready Families 

Operation Ready Families

California National Guard

California National Guard - Californians Serving Our State and Nation

  Welcome to the Operation Ready Families Program Website! 

The Adjutant General's Letter of Intent on Family Readiness

Our Mission

The Operation Ready Families mission is to assist units as they support the families of members of the California National Guard during peacetime and times of training and deployment.

Our Vision

A fully functioning family Chain of Concern working with a fully supportive military Chain of Command to enhance the readiness and wellness of both.

California Family Assistance Program
The California National Guard Family Assistance program is a resource to Guard and other Military families - especially those involved in current deployments.  We have developed rosters of civilian, government, and Military agencies that help families dealing with issues that have surfaced because of active duty.  Please click the following links for more information or call 1-800-449-9662 for immediate assistance!

To connect to a Family Assistance Specialist who can help in your area see this Organizational Chart

We Care Meetings
The Family Assistance program also hosts once a month “We Care” meetings.  These meetings, which are open to all branches of the service, give service members and their families, friends, and employers the opportunity to establish a local social support group as well as keep up to date on Military news and benefits.  Participants get the chance to receive the advice and support of people who know what they’re going through. 

Click here to find a We Care Meeting in your area

* Please  remember to confirm all meetings prior to attending.

California National Guard Child and Youth Program                 

Click here to visit the CNG CYP website!

Family Readiness Support Assistants                                                                                         The Family Readiness Support Assistants (FRSA’s) work directly for the Brigade Commander or Rear Detachment Commander during deployment. The FRSA’s main objective is to provide the Commander/RDC, Military Point of Contact (MPOC), and FRG Leader with administrative assistance in support of family readiness programs and activities.

To connect to a FRSA in your area see this Organizational Chart

Airman and Family Readiness Program                                                                   The Airman and Family Readiness program serves as a one-stop information and referral center for single, married, active-duty, Guard, Reserves, and retired members as well as their families. One of its major functions is linkage--ensuring Air personnel and their families are connected with the appropriate service on and off base. Call the A&FRC for assistance anytime you have a question and do not know where to find the answer.

To connect to an Airman and Family Readiness Coordinator see this Organizational Chart

Joint Family Support Assistance Program

The new Joint Family Support Assistance Program (JFSAP) provides extensive support to servicemen and women and their families throughout the tough times of military life, including deployment, mobilization, reintegration and the resulting issues that affect members and their families

To request JFSAP services, please scroll down to the Request Forms section and fill out Appendix A


Customized Support Available: If you would like to check out the wide variety of briefings, training, workshops, and resources that are available to your staff, service members, & families, click on the links below to see what is available. Save these forms to your desktop so that we are there when you need us!

Appendix A
Per CA ARNG Pam 608-24, FRG's, Rear Detachments and Senior Commands can request assistance from Family Assistance Specialists to arrange Subject Matter Experts for pre-deployment, deployment and redeployment briefings, town halls and other activities by completing and forwarding the Appendix A form to the Operation Ready Families Office at Mather AFB. Please make sure to fill out the form completely and "Save As" to your chosen destination. Email to Family Assistance Coordinator: Ms. Mandy Stanfill at

Click here to access the form (fillable pdf): 
CA ARNG Pam 608-24 - Appendix A

 Senior Family Readiness Support Assistants Training Request Form
The Senior Family Readiness Support Assistants (SFRSA) work with BDE FRSA's, FRG's, volunteers, rear detachments and military points of contact of deployed units. Their primary focus is to provide training and hands-on help/troubleshooting for establishing and maintaining an effective Family Readiness system within units and commands.

Click here to access the form (fillable pdf):
Senior Family Readiness Assistants Request Form



California National Guard Family Readiness Handbook
This book is a "one-stop" resource guide for families and loved ones of our soldiers and airmen. In it, you will find a wealth of information on many topics that are essential to successful deployments (as well as homecomings) such as:

  • Military Pay and Allowances
  • Emergency Financial Assistance / Military Aid Societies
  • Legal Assistance
  • Medical / Dental Benefits for for Family Members
  • MWR Benefits on Military Installations
  • Family Readiness Groups, Family Readiness Assistants, Family Readiness Support Assistants
  • California National Guard Child & Youth Programs
  • ... and MUCH more!
  • Click here to download our:  CNG Family Readiness Handbook 

    Benevolence Listing

    To receive information on benevolence opportunities, please join and you will automatically receive emails on offers and opportunities. For benevolence opportunities specifically in your area, please contact your local representative.