Young Adults

altBehaviors that are traditionally considered bullying among school-aged youth often require new attention and strategies in young adults and college students. Many of these behaviors are considered crimes under state and federal law and may trigger serious consequences after the age of 18.

Is it Bullying? 

Although media reports often call unwanted, aggressive behavior among young adults “bullying,” this is not exactly accurate. Many state and federal laws address bullying-like behaviors in this age group under very serious terms, such as hazing, harassment, and stalking. Additionally, most young adults are uncomfortable with the term bullying—they associate it with school-aged children.

How Young Adults Can Get Help 

  • Encourage young adults to talk to someone they trust.
  • Determine if the behavior violates campus policies or laws. Review student codes of conduct, state criminal laws, and civil rights laws.
  • Report criminal acts to campus or community law enforcement.
  • Consult the college’s Title IX coordinator to help determine if the behavior is sexual harassment.
  • Many college campuses also have an ombudsperson or similar person who handles a variety of concerns and complaints. He or she can help direct the young adult to appropriate campus resources.
  • Young adults may be reluctant to seek help for cyberbullying, although they do recognize it as a serious issue for their age group. Encourage young adults to report cyberbullying.

Additional Resources 

The U.S. Department of Education funds the Higher Education Center for Alcohol, Drug Abuse, and Violence Prevention Site exit disclaimer. The Center provides a number of resources for young adults and college administrators to consider in preventing and addressing violent behaviors.

Contact the National Suicide Prevention Lifeline Site exit disclaimer online or at 1-800-273-TALK (8255). The toll-free call goes to the nearest crisis center in our national network. These centers provide 24-hour crisis counseling and mental health referrals.

Find a local counselor or other mental health services.