Frequently Asked Questions 
The following are the most frequently asked questions (and the answers) concerning the Freedom of Information Act (FOIA) and the FOIA process. 

Q:What does FOIA stand for?
A: Freedom of Information Act
Q:Who can make a FOIA request?
A:Almost anyone is allowed to make a FOIA request.
Q:Are there costs associated with FOIA requests?
A:Yes, there can be costs involved with a FOIA request. You should refer to the FOIA Requester's Guide. You will find the FOIA Requester's Guide on this website under the tab of Resources and Related Sites. 
Q:What can be requested under the FOIA?
A:Federal records; however, other items may be able to be requested using the FOIA.
Q:How do I start my FOIA request?
A:There is no specific form or format that must be used in a FOIA request. Write down the information you are interested in receiving, that you are willing to pay any fees associated with the FOIA request, and be as detailed as possible about the information you are interested in.
Q:What information should I include in my request letter?
A:Be very specific, the more specific you are the quicker we can locate the requested records. If possible, please include the following: date, title/name, author, and subject matter. Also, please include your name and mailing address.
Q:Can I get electronic records through the FOIA?
A:Yes, as long as the information is or can readily be made into an electronic file.
Q:What happens after I make a FOIA request?
A:You will receive an acknowledgement letter stating that a FOIA service center has received your request. This letter will assign you a FOIA request a case number. When inquiring about your request you should refer to this number.
Q:What happens if my FOIA request is denied?
A:Any denied request (partially or in full) may be appealed to the Army lead FOIA agency. Information will be provided to you in your official denial letter.
Q:How long does a FOIA request usually take?
A:The FOIA allows a period of 20 business days, once a request is received. However, case backlog and the complexity of your request will determine the time it takes to complete your request.
Q:How can I find out the status of my FOIA request?
A:Contact the agency that assigned your FOIA request a case number. Contact information will be on the acknowledgement letter you received.