Argonne National Laboratory Nuclear Engineering Division

Think, explore, discover, innovate
U.S. Department of Energy


Engineering Experimentation

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  • Reactor Safety Experimentation

    Reactor Safety ExperimentationWe conduct a wide range of experimental research related to the safety of existing and future reactor technologies. This includes state of-the-art experiments investigating high-temperature nuclear fuel melt behavior and materials interactions. We possess unique facilities that can accommodate the special needs of reactor materials testing. [More...]
    NE Departments involved:
    Engineering Development and Applications
  • Aerosol Experiments

    We have extensive analytic and experimental capabilities to characterize the formation and transport of aerosols formed from the condensation of vapors. Computer codes have been developed to analyze various phenomena related to homogeneous and heterogeneous nucleation, aerosol agglomeration, and aerosol deposition. [More...]
    NE Departments involved:
    Engineering Analysis

  • Systems/Component Testing

    Systems/Component TestingWe research, develop, design, procure, manufacture, install and test components and systems required for unique application. This includes the development of first-of-a-kind large-scale systems and components with complex requirements such as corrosive/hazardous materials, high-temperature structural integrity, and remote handling. [More...]
    NE Departments involved:
    Engineering Development and Applications
  • Laser and Robotics Applications

    Laser and Robotics ApplicationsWe carry out research and development on laser-based applications for materials processing, oil extraction technological enhancements, and aerosol or spray characterization. Computer simulation and robot task programming tools are employed to enhance the safety and efficiency of telerobotics in the decontamination and decommissioning of nuclear power plants, space nuclear power systems, and other remote applications. [Laser Applications Laboratory]
    [Robotics Laboratory]
    NE Departments involved:
    Detection & Diagnostic Systems

Last Modified: Mon, February 4, 2013 7:08 PM



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