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Nibbles for Health: Nutrition Newsletters for Parents of Young Children

Nibbles for HealthNibbles for Health was developed for child care center staff and parents of young children enrolled in child care centers. Nibbles has been updated and the CD offers child care center staff guidance on conducting discussions with parents in four sharing sessions. It also has 40 reproducible newsletters that staff can give to parents to address many of the challenges they face. Four posters and packages of two mini-posters come with the CD.

Printed: March 2003

Revised: 2008

Available: upon request from Team Nutrition

Download PDF:

A Look at Nibbles for Health
Sharing Sessions
Sharing Session 1 - MyPyramid: Steps to a Healthier You
     MyPyramid poster
Sharing Session 2 - How Much Do You Eat? Estimate Amounts of Foods
Sharing Session 3 - Active Living: How to Get Families Moving
Sharing Session 4 - Food Labels: A Guide to Making Food Choices
     READ IT before you EAT IT! poster
Overview of the Educational Content
Newsletter Outcomes and Key Messages
Sharing Sessions Outcomes and Key Messages
Additional Resources
Additional Resources - For More Information...

Nibbles for Health Newsletters
 1   A Closer Look at MyPyramid
 2   How Much Is Enough?
 3   Healthful Eating...Food Labels Help!
 4   Child Care, What Will My Child Eat?
 5   Why Breakfast?
 6   For Growing Bones... Which Milk?
 7   Enjoying the Family Meal
 8   Healthful Choices For Vegetarian Families
 9   Family Food Shopping: Spend Less, Get More
10   Family Meals - Fast, Healthful!
11   Let's Eat Out! Healthful Fast Foods
12   Let's Eat Out! Making Meals Pleasant
13   Handling a "Choosy" Eater
14   Together... Let's Try New Foods!
15   Teaching Good Food Habits
16   Trying, Sharing, Enjoying Different Foods
17   Is My Child's Appetite Normal?
18   Watching My Child Grow!
19   Juice or Fruit Drinks?
20   Easy Weekend Lunch Ideas
21   Why Snacks?
22   Fats in Foods: How Much for Kids?
23   Iron in Foods: Does My Child Get Enough?
24   Keeping Your Child's Healthy Smile!
25   Feeding Another Baby Sister or Brother
26   Food Allergies, Or Just Food Fussiness?
27   Milk for Kids With Lactose Intolerance
28   Does My Child Have a Weight Problem?
29   Supplements... Do Kids Need Them?
30   The ABCs of Hand Washing
31   Let's Cook Together
32   Fight BAC! Keep Family Food Safe
33   Grow a Family Garden!
34   Pack a Family Picnic!
35   Enjoy Moving as a Family
36   Child's Play!
37   Let's Move... Cold Weather Fun!
38   Let's Move... Warm Weather Fun!
39   Getting Nutrition Advice For Your Family
40   MyPyramid: Amounts of Foods-For You


Last modified: 01/08/2013