In the search box, enter the word or phrase you wish to find in a program or program excerpt. The search function will search for this word or phrase exactly as you enter it. The search is not case-sensitive (entering upper case or lower case doesn’t impact the search). Do not use quotes when specifying your keyword or phrase. This search is not designed for “&” or “OR” functions.

Selecting “List All” returns a list of all Healthcare 411 programs and other archived multimedia programs and excerpts.

“Advanced Search” provides additional search parameters such as program release date ranges, content types, multimedia formats and language options.

Advanced Search Options

Released Between: Enter a range of release dates for the program(s) you are searching for. The default range is all programs produced.

Language: Programs can be searched on in English, Spanish or both languages. The default selection is “All Languages.”

Format: Programs are produced in one of three formats: audio, video or document. You may search on any of these formats specifically or on all formats. The default selection is “All Formats.”

Content Type: Programs have been categorized based on topic and format. Programs are searchable according to their “type.” You may search on any of these types specifically or on all content types. The default selection is “All Content Types.”