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About Us
Healthcare 411 is an audio podcast series produced by the Agency for Healthcare Research and Quality (AHRQ), part of the U.S. Department of Health and Human Services. AHRQ’s mission is to improve the quality, safety, efficiency and effectiveness of health care for all Americans. Using the latest technology, AHRQ shares news and information in the form of concise 60-second audio news programs that feature current research on important health care topics. Healthcare 411 gives consumers information they can use in their health care decision making.

We encourage you to download the podcasts to your mobile media player or computer by subscribing to the series. Subscription is free.

Content provided by the Healthcare 411 Web site includes longer-format interviews that range from 60 seconds to 15 minutes on a variety of health topics. Most previously released programs remain available and searchable on the Healthcare 411 site. The site also hosts audio and video public service announcements produced by AHRQ and provides links to related consumer publications and other studies and guides funded by AHRQ.

Copyright Constraints

This site is sponsored by the U.S. Government. Information available from this site is within the public domain of the United States. AHRQ makes the audio files from this Web site available under the following conditions:
  • The podcasts may be downloaded and reposted for specific use on Web sites of other organizations and individuals, as long as the source is cited: Healthcare 411. U.S. Agency for Healthcare Research and Quality. Rockville, MD. http://healthcare411.ahrq.gov/.
  • Users may not decompile the content to create new content.
  • Content may not be sold or used outside the United States or by commercial entities without specific permission or a licensing agreement granted from AHRQ. Submit specific requests for permission to: http://healthcare411.ahrq.gov/.
Linking Policy

AHRQ allows outside groups to link to any page or file on this Web site under the following conditions:

  • Our Agency cannot endorse, nor appear to endorse, commercial services, commodities, or products. Links should not be displayed in any manner that would imply such an endorsement.
  • All external links from commercial sites to the Healthcare 411 site should be clearly identified as such.
The following statement can be used to describe our site:

  • The U.S. Agency for Healthcare Research and Quality’s Healthcare 411 audio news source provides practical health care information, research findings, and data to help consumers, health providers, health insurers, researchers, and policymakers make informed decisions about health care issues.
For additional information, contact: Healthcare411@ahrq.hhs.gov.

Dr. Carolyn Clancy, MD
Welcome to AHRQ’s Healthcare 411 site. At AHRQ, we know that navigating the health care system can be complicated and that many health care decisions require careful research and reflection. Healthcare 411 supports AHRQ’s mission to improve the quality, safety, efficiency, and effectiveness of health care for all Americans. Using the latest multimedia technologies, our Healthcare 411 stories offer helpful information about new findings from AHRQ-sponsored research to a broad audience of consumers, employers, health care providers, researchers, educators and others.

You can reach this information in a variety of ways: You can read the transcripts, listen to the programs online or download them to a mobile media device. By subscribing to the site for free, Healthcare 411 also will notify you automatically when new programs are posted.

Healthcare 411 also provides links to AHRQ’s public service announcements on issues such as quitting smoking, taking medication safely, eating healthy, and the importance of regular visits to a doctor. At AHRQ, we encourage you to be involved in your health care and to ask questions of your health care providers until you are satisfied that you understand all the issues.

Thanks for visiting Healthcare 411. We welcome your comments about this Web site.

Carolyn M. Clancy, M.D.
Agency for Healthcare Research and Quality

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