Family Values

During my time in Congress, I have worked to support Kansas communities and families, as well as protect the values that we hold dear.

Every child deserves the opportunity to be part of a permanent and loving family. As a member of the Congressional Coalition on Adoption, I am committed to promoting awareness of adoption and the children awaiting families, celebrating children and families involved in adoption, and encouraging Americans to secure safety, permanency, and well-being for all children. Many families in Kansas and across our nation have made a lasting difference in the lives of thousands of children through adoption.  Their compassion and commitment has given these children both a family and a bright future. When dedicated individuals make a major difference in a child’s life through adoption, families are strengthened and communities are enriched.

Parents should have the authority to decide what is best for their children. I believe that the primary safeguard for the well-being and protection of children is the family, and that the primary safeguards for the legal rights of children in the United States are the Constitution and the states. The right of parents to raise their children in accordance with their own principles must be protected. 

Family is the foundational institution of our nation and marriage is its cornerstone. I believe marriage is between one man and one woman only.