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MC2(SW) David Charleston

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Two teams and a community cheering for both Sides? Petty Officer David Charleston has more…
MC2(SW) Cody Hitson

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Andy Jampoler, a retired Navy Captain and Aviator that deployed to Sigonella in 1974, is returning for the first time in nearly half a century.
MC2(SW) Cody Hitson

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The Dental Clinic is a place many fear to tread. But, as Hospital Corpsman Third Class Melissa Klausing tells us, there is an important consideration you should take before deciding to skip that next cleaning.
MC2(SW) Cody Hitson

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The Sigonella Jaguars went head to head with the Bamberg Barons Saturday. Petty Officer Cody Hitson takes us to the grid-iron for the story.
MC2(SW) Matthew Haws

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Sigonella Jaguars return to the Grid Iron. Petty Officer Matthew Haws takes us to the action.
MC2(SW) Matthew Haws

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Sigonella's CPO Selects participate in a Community Relations project in a local Aci Reale Church. Petty Officer Matthew Haws has more.
MC2(SW) Matthew Haws

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Sigonella's Midtown goes "green" with renewable energy. Petty Officer Matthew Haws has more.
MC3 Donavan Patubo

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Kids of Camp Adventure learn how to climb any obstacle. Petty Officer Donavan Patubo has the story.
MC2(SW) Matthew Haws

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Kids in Sigonella are starting the school year with an onstage live production. Petty Officer Matthew Haws has the story.
MC3 Donavan Patubo

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Kids of Camp Adventure have a Sports Spectacular! Petty Officer Donavan Patubo tells us more.

Sigonella Stories

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