Posts Tagged ‘District Export Council’


Workshop Shows Exporters How to Overcome Barriers to International Trade

October 24, 2012

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Skip Jones is the Deputy Assistant Secretary for Trade Agreements and Compliance.

Assistant Secretary Michael Camunez delivers keynote speech at the Defeating Foreign Trade Barriers Workshop at the U.S. Chamber of Commerce.

Assistant Secretary Michael Camunez delivers keynote speech at the Defeating Foreign Trade Barriers Workshop at the U.S. Chamber of Commerce.

U.S. products are the most sought-after products in the world.  However, U.S. companies sometimes have problems selling their products abroad. They encounter various foreign government-imposed trade barriers such as unfair technical requirements, discriminatory government procurements, or unfair customs valuation practices. In many cases, these difficulties represent a country’s not honoring its trade agreement with the United States.

To address these difficulties, the U.S. Department of Commerce operates the “Trade Agreements Compliance Program.”  Representatives from the U.S. Department of Commerce, the Office of the U.S. Trade Representative, and the U.S. Chamber of Commerce offered participants expert advice at a “Workshop to Defeat Foreign Trade Barriers” in Washington, DC, and explained how to take advantage of this free Commerce program.

The day-long event was organized by the National District Export Council and the U.S. Chamber of Commerce. It featured numerous panels, roundtables and keynote addresses.

The speakers discussed current trends in foreign non-tariff barriers, and the government programs and policies available to combat them.

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The message was clear: The U.S. government is doing everything it can to help American businesses overcome these barriers as quickly as possible. As the Under Secretary for International Trade, Francisco Sánchez, stressed in his remarks to the audience :

“Trade agreements can serve as powerful export multipliers, but they need to work properly to reach their full promise,” he said.  “The Commerce Department intends to do its part to see that they do. Let us know when you encounter trade barriers abroad. Work with us so we can remove them as quickly as possible so that your job-creating exports can flow to foreign markets unhindered, just as they should.  ITA’s Trade Agreements Compliance program is a terrific, free resource for U.S. exporters encountering these trade barriers.”

In addition to Under Secretary Sánchez, over 30 speakers offered their insight to the participants – among them, U.S. Trade Representative Ron Kirk, Assistant Secretary for Market Access and Compliance, Michael Camuñez, and Acting Assistant Secretary for Trade Promotion and Director General of the U.S. & Foreign Commercial Service, Ambassador Chuck Ford.

U.S. companies are highly successful in international markets, if they can compete on a level playing field. Efforts like today’s workshop, as well as the underlying work of all U.S. government agencies, help ensure that is the case.

If your business encounters a trade barrier, please visit a Barrier for assistance.


Connecticut Trade Mission Finds Success in Israel

April 8, 2010

Jim Cramer is the Deputy Senior Commercial Officer at the U.S. Embassy in Tel Aviv.  He and his colleagues promote U.S. exports to the Israeli and Palestinian economies, with particular emphasis on small and medium sized American companies.

First full day of the Trade Mission already generates returns

What a day.  We kept Congressman Joe Courtney and the entire delegation running at full speed.  At 8 a.m. sharp, Joe and a handful of Connecticut defense companies went to the Israeli Ministry of Defense for a meeting to promote their products.  Connecticut’s high tech defense sector is a perfect match for Israel’s security needs.

While Joe and the group were busy at the Ministry, our other delegates started their jam-packed Gold Key schedules.  Getting these schedules organized was a lot of work, but we had great help.  Anne Evans, Melissa Grosso and the entire team from the Middletown U.S. Export Assistance Center were fantastic.  The Commercial Service Israel understands how to do business in Israel, and Anne and Melissa know the needs and challenges facing Connecticut’s exporters.  Working together we really arranged some amazing schedules that targeted in on specific client needs.  Great job Anne & Melissa! 

Congressman Courtney kept running all day.  Following his morning meeting he was interviewed for a Connecticut radio show and had lunch with 2 of Israel’s top entrepreneurs.  While Connecticut and Israel may both lack natural resources, each makes up for it through smarts and entrepreneurial spirit, so today’s lunch was a perfect fit.  Joe rejoined many of the delegates after lunch for a briefing on opportunities in Israel’s security and medical sectors put on by our partner, the Israel Export and International Cooperation Institute.

All of these activities were great, but what we are really about is returns.  And today we heard that one of the delegates may have made a multi-container sale to an Israeli distributor.  Some final negotiations are going on tomorrow, and I don’t want to jinx it, but I feel great about accomplishing something like this in such a short period. 

I followed up with a lot of the delegates during tonight’s fantastic networking event at the Ambassador’s residence.  One delegate whose schedule was managed by our senior specialist Irit van der Veur couldn’t believe how perfectly tailored his meetings were.  Another thanked me over and over again for the help CS Israel had provided, and a third company couldn’t stop complementing the work Christina Azar in our office did for them.  What a team! 

Everyone seemed exhausted and exhilarated from what they were able to accomplish during this first day of meetings.  I can’t wait to see them at dinner tonight to hear about the success they’ll find today!


Connecticut Trade Mission Hits the Ground Running in Israel

April 7, 2010

Jim Cramer is the Deputy Senior Commercial Officer at the U.S. Embassy in Tel Aviv.  He and his colleagues promote U.S. exports to the Israeli and Palestinian economies, with particular emphasis on small and medium sized American companies.

Congressman Joe Courtney and his trade delegation arrived to Israel without a hitch today (April 6).  The entire group got together tonight to review their schedules with our commercial specialist staff and to be briefed on the Israeli economy.  For those companies taking advantage of our Gold Key matchmaking service, our office was able to set up over 70 business-to-business meetings.  Many of the companies saw such a demand for their products that they are meeting with 5 – 7 Israeli companies each day for two days.  What a success!

During tonight’s get together our office’s senior commercial officer, Jonathan Heimer, spoke about the opportunities Israel’s fast moving and innovative market provides American companies.  Our good friend Tamar Guy, Executive Director of the Israel-America Chamber of Commerce & Industry also spoke, and with good humor and grace gave the delegation an inside view of Israeli culture. 

And luckily, we were all together to celebrate Congressman Courtney’s birthday.  Happy birthday Joe!  As you said, getting such a great delegation together that will bring jobs to Connecticut is one heck of a gift. 

Wednesday is going to be a busy day.  Our Gold Key companies begin their b2b schedules and Congressman Courtney will also be shuttling about the Tel Aviv area for meetings with Israeli business and government leaders.  We have a networking event tonight at our Ambassador’s residence; we are keeping everyone busy! 

This mission really exemplifies the power of President Obama’s National Export Initiative.  It brings together the resources of the U.S. government and the private sector to find success and profit via exports.  Thanks to the Connecticut District Export Council for their support and Anne Evans of our Middletown U.S. Export Assistance Center for her help.  What a way to bring the NEI to Israel!

Stay up to date on this trade mission via this blog.  If you would like any further information on the Israeli market, the best place to start is our website,


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