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Center For Cancer Research National Cancer Institute
Clinical Research Operations

Brown Bag Lunch

The Brown Bag Lunch is a series of educational presentations developed to provide an open forum to discuss clinically focused topics in an informal, relaxed atmosphere. It is open to all oncology research nurse staff, oncology clinical nurse staff and oncology nurse interns at the CCR and the NIH Clinical Center. Participants can enjoy a collegial environment in which to freely express their ideas, opinions, ask questions, share best practices, etc.

The sessions are 45-50 minutes followed by Q & A. See this year's schedule (below) for topic, speaker and location.

For more information, please contact Elizabeth Ness at or 301.451.2179.

2012 Brown Bag Lunch Schedule

 Will resume in Fall 2012

Archives: 2011 Brown Bag Lunches

Click here to view the 2011 Brown Bag Lunch presentations.

Archives:  2010 Brown Bag Lunches

Click here to view the 2010 Brown Bag Lunch presentations.