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USAID/Belarus Implementing Partners: 


Project Title

Implementing Partner

Eurasia Foundation Civil Society and Community Development Program

Improves the quality of life in Belarusian communities by fostering cooperation among local governments, the private sector and NGOs to create sustainable solutions to local development challenges. This program includes the following projects:


  • Empowering Local Communities through Euroregions Project

    The project goal is to assist communities and civic initiatives in solving local social and economic development problems through cross-border cooperation and adoption of best practices from the neighboring democratic societies with the use of Euroregions framework.


  • Belarus Legal Clinics Development Program and Legal Advocacy for Vulnerable People

    The Project promotes and enhances civic engagement by expanding the network and effectiveness of university based legal clinics, as well as providing free legal services to vulnerable citizens.


  • Leveraging Partnerships for Sustainable Development in Rural Belarus

    The Project activities facilitate introduction and development of sustainable development practices in rural regions of Belarus by leveraging partnerships between non-state actors and local authorities. USAID is co-sponsoring this Project with the European Union.


  • Partnerships for Better Energy Use

    USAID and the European Union co-sponsor this Project to improve energy efficiency and use of environmentally friendly technologies at the local level.

Eurasia Foundation/New Eurasia Establishment

Business and Economic Development Program –

The project enhances the capacity for small and medium business support institutions; improves business and economic education by facilitating growth of business education networks and building the professional capacity of business education professionals through organizing seminars, conferences, and forums; facilitates public debate and research on urgent economic development issues.


Eurasia Foundation/New Eurasia Establishment


Community Services to Vulnerable Groups

The project addresses two most vulnerable groups – people with disabilities (PWD) and orphans and vulnerable children – to increase the degree of PWD integration through the development of innovative services and strengthening the capacity of PWD grassroots organization. The orphans and vulnerable children component of the project is to reduce the number of children being institutionalized by fostering a cultural environment conducive to family-based care.


Child Fund International

Child Fund International/Belarus

Combating Tuberculosis (TB) in Belarus

The project is aimed at assisting Belarus in reducing the burden of tuberculosis infection by means of advancing and expanding the Stop TB Strategy in the country through an enhanced World Health Organization effort.


World Health Organization (WHO)

Prevention of Trafficking in Persons in Belarus

The activity focuses on two major objectives: prevention of human trafficking as a social and economic phenomenon and protection of victims of trafficking by providing reintegration assistance.


International Organization for Migration

Community Connections

The Community Connections Program is to support public diplomacy of the U.S. government and to promote mutual understanding between American and Belarusian people. The Program provides Belarusian professionals from a diverse array of backgrounds such as health, law, business, education, civil society organizations, and state organizations with valuable exchange opportunities and hands-on experience with their American counterparts.


USAID and World Learning

Belarus Entrepreneur Support and Training (BEST)

This Project enables International Finance Corporation (IFC) to expand regulatory simplification, improve secured transactions, create a collateral registry and increase access to finance, facilitate insolvency reforms to redeploy assets and reorganize bankrupt enterprises. Part of the Project implemented through the BEL.BIZ portal will facilitate access to business information and provide entrepreneur trainings. The Project targets SMEs and business community at large.


International Finance Corporation (IFC)

Farmer-to-Farmer Program

This project empowers Belarusian private sector in agriculture through the use of volunteer-experts by encouraging entrepreneurship and creating sustainable practices of dissemination of innovative agricultural and veterinarian technologies. It also works with NGOs to increase their expertise in providing services to the agricultural sector, as well as education institutions to improve the quality of agricultural and veterinarian education.


Citizens Network for Foreign Affairs (CNFA)

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